I Know it's been a while, with workin and the baby stuff and weddings and all.
Kitty and Tibbs came back last week from their honeymoon. I assume they had a good time, im sure theyll post about it. Its weir though, being related to TwoBit. I guess now I can use the excuse that were related when people as me why I hang out with him XD
Anyways, you guys havent been updated on the baby yet... well ITS A GIRL!!!
Her name will be Dallas Skye Curtis and we will call her Skye. She is due in late september. Also I have godparents... drum-roll please =D............................... Kitty and TwoBit. Yeah I had to think long and hard about TwoBit possibly having to raise my kid, but i figured as long as Kittys around it couldnt be that bad...but if Kitty wasnt...well I may need to choose a second pair of godparents just to be on the safe side.
We just finished decorating Skye's room, well Katie did it, apparently I have no talent when it comes to painting and all that...we discovered this after doing our dining room... EPIC FAIL!
Someone else please have kids so Skyes influences wont all be from Dallas -.-
My Baby Girl