The other night I was lyin in bed trying to get some sleep. I tossed and turned but I couldnt even keep my eyes shut a secound. Our couch is much softer then the beds are so I decided to sleep on the couch. I wasnt even there for five minutes when I heard a knock on the front door. I got up to see who it was. I opened the door to find Steve. "What on earth are you doin at my house at 2:00 in the morning?" I said. He said he was going to a party with tons of FREE BEER and he wanted me to come with him.
"You know I dont drink!" I said. "Well then come for the girls." he said. I knew Steve wasnt going to quit bugging me till I agreed to come so I went ahead with him. We were walking down the block when I said "You know Im not comming for the girls right Steve?" He looked at me funny. "Are you telling me you still havent gotten over Sandy?" he asked. (Sandy was my girlfriend who ended up pregnant with some other guy's baby then moved away, and Steve was right I still hadnt fully gotten over it, I loved her too much, I was plannin on marrying her someday.) "Man that was almost a year ago, you need to start looking for someone better." he said. Then I said "You know Steve, for the first time in your life you are right, there are better people out there than Sandy." We started walking a little faster till we reached the house.
We were only there half an hour and already 10 girls had hit on me, I mean seriously am I that good looking? I was about to get up and leave but a crowd of people comming in blocked the door. This one girl who walked past me caught my eye. A few minutes later she was sitting about a foot away from me on the couch. I asked her "How come you aint over there drinking with your friends?" she said "I dont drink, I just agreed to come because I knew my friend wouldnt ever shut up if I didnt." (Kinda like someone I know.) "Me too!" I said.
Man this girl shure was pretty. Long blonde hair, dark brown eyes, 16 years old, doesnt like to drink, she was perfect for me. I asked her what her name was. "Katie, What's yours?" she said. "Sodapop!" I anwsered. Then I kinda expected her to laugh at me, but instead she said it was cool. About an hour or so later when I finished talking to Katie because I was all talked out, Steve tugged on my shirt wanting to leave. I didnt plan on asking Katie for her phone number because she didnt really seem that instered in me, but when I began to stand up and walk away she asked my for my phone number. That kinda suprised me. So I gave it to her and she gave me her's. Then I invited her over for dinner tomorrow night cause I knew she'd love Darry's cookin. Ans she said Yes.
I was so happy when I left. I got a girlfriend. "See i told you you'd meet someone." said Steve, and for the secound time in his life he was right. (Steve i hoped you chershied those moments that you were right because it probally wont ever happen again.)
"I don't know, man. It's just like sometimes I have to get out. It's like I'm the middle man in a tug-of-war or something between you guys. I don't know, I can't take sides."
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Thursday, May 04, 2006
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Awe! good for you, a girlfriend! hope you're making a good choice about her, she's one lucky girl
aww your girlfriend is so lucky im happy for u
Kool. im so jealous! i wish i was at that party 2!! :( lol. congrats on the new gf though. im glad you've moved on from Sandy
I totally woulda hit on u too!!hehe!! Katie sounds cute. Im sorry bout Sandy. I had no clue she got wit another guy. I thaught u got her pregnant. Whatta TRAMP!!! i am so sorry. Well i still love u!! Good- luck wit Katie!!!!
P.S. You really r that cute!hehe!!!
~luv ya~
i would have hit on you do you know how hot you r i love the movie and the book the outsiders i love you i also think ponyboy's hot so if you wana set us up go ahead!!!!
again you r so hot i luv you and your brother im jelous of katie thogh hope you guys have a great relationship
sorry if i hav mispellings im tyiping with a sprained finger=(
heyy i started a blog! Check it out!!
and for the secound time in his life he was right. (Steve i hoped you chershied those moments that you were right because it probally wont ever happen again.) hey i waas right and i always be right check out my blog
u were 2 good 4 sandy anyway i'm so glad u moved on and u r that good looking
Hey, Sodapop, I Love You!!!!
sodapop is super hot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and is that really true what he did to those cops undercover?????????????
im not surprised soo many girls hit on are rather lovable! haha!
I LOVE your blog!!!! On question though.... who is Katie? SERIOUSLY, YOUR MESSING THE WHOLE BLOG UP WITH HER!!! KATIE SUCKS!!
I nooo!!! Katie does suck!! What a nerd!! Sodapop is mine. Katie totally ruins the whole blog. What the hell?
Is that what you think. In no way am I a nerd. Okay!
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