Disney World was amazing. It was so much fun. The first two days just Katie and I hung out together but after that we were mostly with Pony, Darry, Carson, and Blair. We met up with Steve and Dally every once in a while. I swear we rode the teacups every damn day we were there.

I dont think I have ever enjoyed a fireworks show so much in my life. Every night they have like a forty-five minute fireworks show, and man it was tuff.
Well on the forth day came the moment I was really lookin forward to... TwoBit met Mickey Mouse! I swear he pissed his pants. He flipped out and started screamin like a kid in a pet store. He had Mickey sign his shirt and im pretty sure he took about three dozen pictures.
We did a little shopping and Katie went a little overboard when she found the baby department. A couple of the gang members picked out some clothes for Snow...

Disney World was a lot of fun and i was sad when we had to leave.
Tuesday night we were all hangin at the pool in our hotel. Dallas was drunk, ofcourse, and him, brooke, and i were sitting out just screwin around and Dal said sumptin about Brooke and him makin out, remember hes drunk, Well Brooke comes up with a really funny comeback. Apparently someone overheard us and told Pony about it. Pony got really upset and apparently called things off with Brooke for a while.
Now about the whole Beach Party thing, A while ago we were chattin and I was playin with Brooke and told everyone she had the hott's for me, well she got very defensive and upset and later I found out its cause she really did, but i mean c'mon who doesnt? ;) Well she said it was weird cause shes datin my kid brother and everything. And I know she loves Pony, but I decided to put this to the test, and Pony didnt know about it but I told him after.. and Katie was in on it cause otherwise that woulda been real bad, ha ha. Well It was dark and all but I could tell it was Brooke out by the water. I had to see if what she thought about me was anything, i had to do it for Pony. So i acted as Pony and I went to her and I kissed her... and she kissed back, then I pulled her around in to the light so she could see it was me, Brooke immediately started flooding tears and ran off. I had never been so relieved to see someone cry, no offense Brooke.
So the truth is, yeah im good looking but thats all I am to her, well that and a big brother. So I guess this is really ment for Pony to hear.....
Pony, Brooke is the best thing that has ever happend to you. You may not know it but I can see how happy you are with her... it's the same way Katie makes me happy, and thats rare bro. I know you mean the world to her and you are a very lucky kid. Dont miss out on what she can give you... you are the only one she loves in that way, and yeah sometimes it will be difficult but in the long run its always worth it. So Pony... as your older brother I have to tell you to make up with Brooke cause if I dont im always gonna wish i did. I love you Pony... and Brooke loves you in a way no one else can.