Me and Carson went on a date.....yes a date. It was a friendship date :p
The mornin started out at the Krispy Kreme. We decided to take a break from chocolate cake and have donuts :) theyre just as good, especially the chocolate ones, and of course we had chocolate milk too.....but not Steves kind...we had the kind thats legal to sell at walmart ha ha.
Next we decided to catch an early movie at the movie house. All the movies they were playin were lame so we just picked one and decided to cause trouble in the theater. There were actually a lotta people in there for it bein such an early movie. We noticed a couple of Socs a few rows in front of us, so what do a couple a immature greasers like us do? We throw popcorn =D and we threw a lot of damn popcorn too. Dumbass Socs didnt even see us lol. After we ran out of popcorn, that we didnt eat any of ha ha, we decided to fake a make out in the middle of the theater....actually it was more like a porno in the middle of the theater but whatever. We started fake makin out, with our lips not actually touchin and our hands all over each other. Then we both pulled off our shirts lol, thats when heads started to turn. We unzipped our pants and started makin akward sex noises lmfao, you shoulda seen everyones face XD, they were grossed out, but it was hilarious. So layin in the seats half naked with our pants unzipped and tryin not to laugh, one of the ushers finally caught us and kicked us out. We almost peed ourselves laughin. Poor Pony was workin and he was the one who had to clean our theater ha ha.
After fakin a romantic display of affection, we went to the park and decided to skinny dip in the fountain. Parents were freakin out when we started to take our clothes off, poor little kids. But it didnt last long cause the damn security guard was on duty. He was gonna fine us but we ran like hell and got away. We then decided to just chill by the train tracks for a while, just talkin bout the good old days when the Randles and Matthews used to come over and we would play house in the backyard. Darry and Blair were always the mom and dad and we were their obnoxious troublesome children.....except for Steve, he always wanted to be the dog. :p We would make mud pies and leaf salads....and then we would dare each other to eat them =D until mom caught us and told us to come inside and eat a real pie instead lol. And one day carson and I decided to make out under the tree house cause we watched our parents do it all the time ha ha, then mom caught us and yelled at us about it. I think I was about nine and car was seven. XD I miss those days :( When greasers were just greasers and socs were just socs....when the biggest problem we had to deal with was cooties.
It started to get late and we thought whats a better way to end our friendship date than to get totally wasted and dance till we passed out?..... so we did =D