Last week Katie was due for her final check up. Everything was good, and the doc said Skye would come at the beginning of September.
September 1st: I basically stared at the clock all day. I wished I had worked so Id atleast have somethin to do besides wait....and wait....and wait. The next couple of days I did work so things went by a little faster, except I looked at my phone every ten minutes just to be sure I didnt miss a call from Katie.
I just about gave up. This morning at 4 AM, someone nudged me, quite hard actually. I blinked as Katie came into focus.
"Babe, wake up......" Katie said.
"What's wrong?" I said, sitting up rubbing my eyes.
Katie was hurrying around the room, grabbing stuff and shoving it into a bag.
"Skye is coming!!" She said.
I sprang out of bed in a panic, "Oh, ok, ok ok ok what do I do?" I almost shouted.
"Get some pants on and get in the car." She said.
I grabbed the nearest pair of jeans and sprang out of the house barefoot, didnt bother with shoes, cause I dont like them anyway.
I banged on the door again and again until someone answered. A sleepy and annoyed Darry answered. "This better be good Pepsi..." He said sternly.
"It is," I replied while running to the car. "Im about to be a dad." I said.
"Oh!" Darry perked up. "Ill wake Pony and we'll meet ya there." He yelled.
Katie was already in the car by the time I flew into the drivers seat. We got to the hospital in about 25,3 seconds. I ran in frantically shouting "I need a doctor, or a nurse, or anybody...." It was one of those moments where you dont realize how stupid your acting till after you act.
Katie punched me in the back, "Soda, calm down, its called labor...we're going to be here a while."
And we were. We got a room and about that time half the gang showed their Pj's XD.
"Steve almost came naked, but I told him they wouldnt let him in if he didnt have clothes on." Carson said.
Most of the gang waited in the waiting room, except for Darry and TwoBit and Kitty. We sat by Katies bed and played poker for a few hours.
"By the way, Kitty and Tibbs...yall are godparents." :D
"It would have been nice to know this before today." Kit implied.
"Yeah yeah, I was....busy." I stuck my tongue out at her.
Finally they cleared the room at 10 AM, and about an hour later I was holding the most delicate thing I had ever seen. She was more beautiful than I expected, her fragile pink skin was warm against my chest. She was perfect! And she was mine!
Its funny how things work out sometimes. Thinking back on all the steps you took to get to where you are today. I never really thought of being a dad, I thought about finding the right girl, and about getting married. I thought that way back with Sandy, but if I didnt go through her, I wouldnt have found Katie, and I wouldnt trade her for anyone. Again with Snow, then I wasnt ready to be a dad, but I sorta got used to the idea right when she was taken from me. And finally I have Skye, perfect, beautiful Skye, and Im the lucky one who gets to be her dad. It all starts today, so ready..... set..... go!

CONGRATSSSS... skye is gorgeous!!! it took me a while to get to the hospital with chris and trey ready wen all they would do is cry and me in my pjs and my hair all messed up... :) but im happy and wow kitty and tibbs have 2 godchildren my chris and ur skye and then u and katie or the god parents of trey and now ur parents of skye good thing u guys had practice with trey AND chris haha im glad for you guys... oh and next time TRY AND CALL WITHOUT HAVING A NERVOUS BREAKDOWN SODA i thought sumething bad was happennin to u and katie -.-
She was so... Purple. And small. And slippery. And, and fragile. And I'm having a nervous breakdown here. But she's beautiful, brother. She's got your eyes, I think. Couldn't quite tell. And Two-Bit, you're already a godfather.
And that's Kitty commenting from her retarded phone. -.-
Congrats Soda! Even Though I Didn't Like Waking Up That Early...It Was Worth It! :D P.S. I'm Finally A Uncle(:
Aww Soda she's beautiful <3
I'm so happy Shi will have a cousin her own age :)
I'm not much of a sucker for newborns but she's darling <3 Don't get cocky though, she gets it from her mother. :3
Anyways congratulations and after kit has her little demon no more reproducing for your family omfg. at this point im WAY more worried about pony and brooke than darrel finding anybody. :3
Can I join?
Don't know if its my place, but I doubt anyone would mind if you did :)
Is there any main characters from the book I could be?
Umm....I know that everyone in the gang is taken. But I dont know about the other ones
Alright. Is there someone I can email?
email me
I sent you an email
I sent you an email asking if i could join
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