So last weekend Dally's dad went outta town with some tramp so Dally threw this enormous party. Now fitting 300 people in Dally's little house wasnt so fun especially when they puked...
Well Darry was workin of course and I wasnt about to let my kid brother go to a party like this but he got on my soft side and talked me into it. Pony, Johnny , and I are walkin down the block and were about a mile from Dallas's house when we start to hear the loud music and screamin. Thats when I warned Pony that if him and Johnny left with me trashed I'd skin em both alive, especially cause it was a school night.
We got to Dally's house and he welcomes us with a huge stench of alcohol radiating off his clothes, it was so bad it made me gag. It wasn't even an hour into the party and he was already drunk.
So we were there for a while and we met up with Two Bit and Steve and just kinda hung out. Well I got thirsty and of course everything at a party like this has alcohol in it even if its not ment to and knowing me I dont drink but this time I couldnt help it I was dyin of thirst so I had a beer... or two...or five, i cant remember, anyways Next thing I know Two Bit is passed out drunk on the couch. Steve was hittin on some girls Dallas was doin Lord knows what and I couldnt see Pony or Johnny anywhere which kinda worried me so I went lookin for em I hit the wall and trampled over some things or someones a couple times till I finally made it to the back yard. I saw this girl I used to go to school with before I dropped out and I had liked her back then but now I think shes kinda trashy and no good, but she comes up to me and we talk for a few minutes and all of a sudden she starts sayin how she liked me and thought I was hot or somethin and the next thing I know her lips are pressed up against mine with her tongue all in my mouth, and im too drunk to realize whats goin on otherwise it wouldnt have happened, suddendly shes yanked away from my mouth almost takin my tongue with her. I looked up and I saw Katie. And I wasn't drunk enough to think I hadnt done anythin wrong cause my heart almost fell outta my chest. All I could think about was that I blew it and Katie and I are over and now she hates me.
Well I was wrong...very wrong. She knows me well and knows I never drink and she knew I wouldnta done that otherwise. Well I dont remember what happend next cause I passed out. Next thing I knew Pony and Johnny were haulin me on in to the house and in to my bed. I started to wake up and I saw Katie sittin in a chair beside my bed starrin at me with her arms folded. I jumped up and told her how sorry I was and that that girl ment nothin to me and kept ramblin on about it till Katie kissed me and said "I know how you can make it up to me." a direct quote. Well she pushed me back on to the bed an.................. well you can just guess what happened next.
Wow, yeah thats the 1st and last time I ever get drunk, not that I didnt like what happened in end or anythin, haha. What a great role model I am for Pony.
Well did anyone else go to Dallas's party? And Dally what unlucky chick were you makin time with for so long?
"I don't know, man. It's just like sometimes I have to get out. It's like I'm the middle man in a tug-of-war or something between you guys. I don't know, I can't take sides."
Thinking About Joining???

Thursday, August 27, 2009
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haha man i dunno there names.. that was a good party man haha.. at least u bein drunk and cheatin got u some action in the end ;)
jeeze is that all men o im sorry boys think about. at least u do dally lol.jk. luv u sodapop say hi 2 the gang
-stay gold
hey, I was wondering if I could still start up an outsiders blog. I've been reading yours for a while now and love them. I'm a HUGE fan of the book / movie / and actors. I hope I can still join your roll play / blog world (I'm not sure what you would call them, sorry ... lol)anyways, I hope your still bloging. E-mail me back at
haha ya thats almost only what i think bout man haha ;)
lol wat else do u think about or do i not want to know
haha you probably dont wanna know
haha, you got lucky that she was so understanding.
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