Hey guys sorry its been a while, but you know how things are. Months may pass but i'll still be bloggin so check back every once in a while, i'll let ya know when i officially decide to quit.
So whats been happin??? Not too much round here... Katie and I celebrated our 1 year together not too long ago. Yeah she practically lives over here shes over all the time and she doesnt mind hangin with the guys all the time either, i love that about her... i love everything about her. So yeah since Johnnys been livin with us he's perked up a bit, ain't so scared anymore, its good for em. Went to a few parties since the last one and this time I took Katie with me to keep me from doin anythin stupid, wouldnt wanna repest of last time......well maybe except for that last part. Anyone heard from Dallas??? Aint seen em in a while!
"I don't know, man. It's just like sometimes I have to get out. It's like I'm the middle man in a tug-of-war or something between you guys. I don't know, I can't take sides."
Thinking About Joining???

Thursday, October 15, 2009
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Hey Soda!
I'm so happy you and Katie are still togeather. She's your first girl that didn't make me want to slap her every five seconds.
check out my blog http://blairmathewsblog.blogspot.com/
heyy sorry Soda man i havent been around for a while.. got locked up again but im out now. they fuckin locked me for nothin man. just cause i stole a pack of smokes. we always steal cancer sticks! why the fuck would they lock me up for it? haha i must have done it to many times man haha.. well im out now, ill stop by your house soon
well dally u must have been with two-bit doesnt he steal everything lol. ne way im happy 4 u soda that u n katie r workin out
stay gold
haha ya me and two-bit always go steal shit. thats our way of hangin out
lol nice so hows it been
does ne body ever get on ne more?!?!?!?!
i hope so, if not they should start again lol
yea ik i was talkin 2 dally but he wont freakin get on. but soda hasnt blogged 4 a while but he started up agen like a couple months ago. i wish he wood get on so i cood talk 2him omg he's hooooooooooooot!!!!!
i know lol ,
i started a blog as twobits sister, but it was kinda bad timing since no ones ever on lol
yea ik dallys on the most but he like never gets
hey soda ik u dont get on that often but wen u do y dont u talk 2 girls that say they luv u. like me lol. from the way u described katie it seems like she wouldnt b that jealous i always see like 1 mayb 2 comments on ur posts just wonderin n ur relle cute. luv ya
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wow , that was random
lol ik rite wats up with all the viagra lol so wats up nobody gets on jesus h dally hasnt even been on its kinda buggin me cuz i made an acount 2 talk 2 peeple but nobody gets on ne more lol
i know ! we really should make a point at trying to get everyone to start blogging again. it's really fun
ik im gettin sad cum on u guys blog Plz im beggin u. PLZ PLZ PLZ!!!!
i think that anyone who has a blog and wants to keep bloging should do so, and if someone has a blog and dosen't want to should tell us so if someone else wants to take over they can.
omg thats a good idea plz tell us if u want to keep bloggin or not PLZ!!!
hheeyy sorry man i keep gettin busy ;) haha u know what i mean haha so whats up with y'all?
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