........................and she said YES!!! I'm so incredibly happy, I can't even believe it, neither could she I swear she almost wet her pants with excitement. I woulda asked her sooner but I had to find the perfect ring (see below) and then I had to save up for it so yes I was waiting for Christmas. I'll let you guys know when we set a date and everything. We just had lunch and were expecting the whole gang over tonight for dinner, can't wait. Merry Christmas!!!

Well dinner went well, Katie and I had planned enough for the wedding to make a few announcements....
Best Man...Steve
Darry will be standing in for the role of mom and dad
Maid of Honor...Blair
Carl will be standing in for Katie's parents
I think its awesome how pretty much the whole gang is in the wedding, I love that my best friends are also her best friends.
I had to tell Tim Shepard and his gang that they better start looking for something to wear ha ha!
We also picked a date....March 20th 2010
omg! i told u! i told u! yay! im so happy for u two! well anyways let me know whens the wedding i'll be there
LOL i had a funny thought.......all those hoes at the dx are gonna hate u now but wo cares LOL
soda :D :D :D
yay im soo happy for you soda!!!!!!!
Whoo!!! Sodas getting married!!!!! I hope I don't have to wear a tux........
of course you do johnny
Of course you do Johnny just like to other groomsmen
LOL that means we gotta wear dresses carson omg i hope katie lets us be bridesmaids
omg ik that wood be so kool
ik we will ask her l8r
k kool
Soda I'm so happy for you and Katie !
wait ... i just heard im maid of horror , YAY ! ! ! = )
fuck i need a dress
kewl this has been going to fast soda and katie thx for letting me be a bridesmaid now i got to find a dress i'll go shopping wit blair l8r soda wats the theme color for the wedding cuz my dress needs to be dat color
yay i luv weddings! thanx soda and katie
Hey, I might look good in a tux........................
Katie hasn't come up with colors just yet Jamie
ok then soda just lemme know when she does and i imagine u would look nice ina tux johnny
this is gonna be fun !
it's okay blair you'll still look pretty
yeah she will but she is gonna have to wear one of those maternity dresses
i hate you jamie
that word is so .... old !
lmao but its true
meh , i'll make katie look extra pretty with my fatty-ness
Haha! Nice Blair! The Wedding Is The Same Week As My B-Day.... That Means I Get An Extra Piece Of Cake!!!! :D YES!
ha.. Blair's gonna be fat..
serves you right for being so skinny
LOL too bad blair at least u know that u will always look beautiful to Dally
wait . are you saying that when im fat im not going to be pretty ! :'(
Jamie did. I didn't :P
I think that may be impossible.
both of you are terrible you'll be beautiful blair
Blair will be beautiful until she dies. ... hopefuly. :P
i didnt say that !!! i said that dally would always think u are pretty i didnt say we wouldnt
fine i dont want to fight. how bout we just drop it k. blair will be beautiful and thats it!
alright i agree so i will drop it
hahaha .. i just like making people tell me how pretty i am , i anit mad
argh lets stop we're giving blair to much confidence
carson you made me sad
she aint sad carson she is fakin
she probly wants us to tell her how pretty she is!
Blair your so full of yourself :P
i hope you share with the baby or else it would have a very bad self essteem
hahaha , i am not ! i think i am very nice
yea u think u r
Omg! I like totally want to join this. Any spots available?
ummm dally's sister ....
or you can be one of the gang ....
or someone new lol
or you can be a curtis sister since kit-kat and bubblegum haven't been on since '07
I think they fell off the Earth.
lets go see them on Mars!
see Brooke! you CAN live there!
I rather someone started a blog for either Steve, twobit, or darry before we go makin up more characters
yea soda but not if its a girl that wood be kinda well not rite if its a guy then that wood be ok so r u a guy or girl
I think the question really is.
is BLAIR a guy?
hehe. :P
shut up carson . but i think that someone should start a blog for someone in the gang like soda said
yea ik we always talk about someone but they never get to say anything cuz they dont have a blog
OK, so I'm confused. Which one do you want me to be? 'Cause you said so many names. Hehe. Oh and btw, I'm a girl.
well if ur a girl u probly dont want to be a guy rite or does it matter to you? and if u dont care u can be two-bit,steve,or darry
Well, I would prefer being a girl if I'm a girl, 'cause sometimes when I write from a guy's perspective I tend to write girl's feelings, if you know what I mean. But I can still be a guy. :)
yea ik um... if sodapop gets on we can ask him i'd prefer to be a girl to lol rather than a guy
ok thanks
yeah but u could be two-bit he is really easy to write from and is like sorta gay so its ok to write from a gril's perspective
hahaha .... or steve !
god i love steve .
lol u guys are so sweet! or fucked in the head one or the other
well u can see how blair and i r related now huh
see i can be nice .
but next to soda steves ma favorite lol
kidding , i love you all . but i hang out with soda and steve the most at the DX
if you wanna start a blog you can be either steve, darry,twobit, or make up a girl character if you prefer but when you do just comment on my blog so I know you made one
OK, but before I decide which one make. How does this work?
just make a blog on blogspot
and post about whatever ... then comment on soda's blog so we can all link you :)
Ok so this is getting embarassing. I'm really sorry to be bothering you guys. Anyway, just a quick question: If I were to make a curtis sister (singular) did it have to be the one of KitKat and Bubblegum or do you want to respect their places?
YOU COULD BE CHERRY!!! IDK Why But I Just Thought Of That... She Doesn't Have One.
good idea pony and if u want to be kitkat or bubble gum u can they havent been on in like 2 yrs
So if I decide to play KitKat and Bubblegum, do they have to be both of them or can I only play one? Oh, and the same name or?
Haha man I'm a groomsman sweet deal
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