During the superbowl everyone got wasted, and after is when all the....... interesting stuff began! I dont remember much, i dunno why i dont remember picking up a beer, and twobit wasnt there to spike my cola. Anyways, I remember a little, something to do with steve, britney spears music, and me shirtless, i dunno. I sat back and watched some of the gang play spin the bottle. Yeah lets never do that again!!! Ya know what i do like about all these parties? No matter how much anyone drinks, no one ever pukes anywhere in our house =D. At one point we started to play truth or dare and i think i was wasted by then. Katie and Emily were talkin back in the bedroom and someone truth or dared me. I said truth... they asked me who my FIRST was, i really must have been wasted cause i wouldnt ever tell anyone this, especially dally, but I told em the truth, it was Jelly. Im sure glad Katie didnt hear that, talk about akward...
"I don't know, man. It's just like sometimes I have to get out. It's like I'm the middle man in a tug-of-war or something between you guys. I don't know, I can't take sides."
Thinking About Joining???

Monday, February 08, 2010
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haha soda.. i forgiver u :P
katie would forgive you becuz u didnt know her then
the super bowl can suck it D:! everyone was rubbing it in at school today :'{ made me sad :(.
Haha, that happened to me too.
and soda, you forgot to mention the lap dance with steve!!!!!!!!!!!
Lmao A lot of things happend that night
I KNEW the Saints were going to win. But no one believed me. Hahahaha. Soda, interesting things happen when you get drunk and you tell people things.
Hey Soda, Steve says and I'm quoting here: "He really is rather puny tho" aka small.
Kit don't start shit! Oh and Soda, me and Dally had to fuck.
I can't believe everyone knows now
Oh my who would have guessed. That is just so nasty on so many levels. I mean that's if u guys did. I hope u didn't
who steve and dally?
Yeah i'm confused :S
I'm confused too. I have no idea what Steve is talking about.
Well I hope it's not what he say they did
I mean said
ha, me too.
we never did guys kool it
so i wonder what katie will say when she finds out
I'm glad to hear that
Katie is going to find out?
well none of us can keep our mouths closed , either that or we'll be drunk and tell her
guys i just got on the chat room and it sed it was closed?????
Yeah i know. What are we going to do?
Did you see why it is closed? That is creepy and wrong! What the hell happened??????
Maybe some weird person did something.
I hope it wasn't one of us. We need to get to the bottom of this. Like Scooby and the Gang!!!
It wasn't me
lol nice jelly it heres wat it sed:
This room has been closed due to the exchange of child pornography links or information in it. Such activity is illegal in the United States (where our server is located) and in most other countries.
If you are the owner of this room and believe this judgement to be incorrect, please contact - this email belongs to the trusted super user who made the decision to close the room.
If you do not get a valid response from, you may contact Chatzy via our feedback form. Be warned, however, that we log all IP addresses and collaborate with relevant law enforcement authorities.
Does anybody have any ideas about who it was or what happened?
i was home sik today n i got on n there were like a million people on with names like: mmokao,lalkao, and there was one that sed qwerty???
And I bet one of them put a link or was talking about it
its because soda put a link to the chat room here on his blog
omg i saw that there was a link to sumwhere! fuck well thats bull shit!!!!
Yeah, I guess someone has to make a new one
yea ik dont anybody put up a link on there blog this time thats how it got out!!!!
But who's going to make it?
i tried to just now but it didnt work we'll just have kit make a new one!!!!
Sigh. So I made a new chat room, I'll send it to you Brookie via txt and you can send it to everyone else.
How are u going to send it to me?
thanx kit!!!!
tell me ur number real quick then u can delete it off here after i got it!!!!
I have to get a calling card :( and that's not a lie
k then wats ur email i'll send it to ya by that!
k ill send it to ya now
I don't have my goddamn cell phone because fucking steve texted me and the stupid ass sub took it from me!
:( I'm going threw cell-phone detox.
brookie! I am
k ill send it to u too jelly
Um what's the password?
wats the password guys? i don hav my phone right now :(.
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