So bad news.. Kit, Johnny, and Jelly are in the hospital, Good news... i think Pony and Brooke are back together. And i dunno what happened between Bre and Darry. This is a lot to process for me. And now there ares some soc asses I need to kick. But i dont wanna dwell on that, lets talk about some happy things...
Yesterday I was getting ready for work and for some reason instead of kissing Katie goodbye I hugged her but when I did I felt something between us, it was the baby... moving. I looked down and cracked a smile. "She's already a daddy's girl!" Katie said. "How do you know?" I asked "Because she always moves when you're around, or when she hears your voice. She loves her daddy!" Katie said. That kinda hit me, hit me deep. How do you love someone you have never met? I love Snow, so much already... and i dont even know her yet. This moment made me realize some things... this is my little girl, Im gonna be the one she comes to when shes hurting, or when shes sad and crying, or when shes hyper and excited. Im the one whos gonna kill the first boy to break her heart (and every one after that). Im the one whose gonna walk her down that isle on her wedding day. I cant wait to be that for her. So I finally kissed Katie goodbye and headed off to work.