Well apparently i've been too busy for Steve so he replaced me as his best friend with Jelly. Well guess what Steve im replacin you too...

Here he is, my new best friend Dimitri.
He 20 years old, loves cars, partying, and hes got a cool ass name. He came by the DX the other day lookin for a job and we talked for a while. Were goin to go watch a drag race tomorrow. He just moved here from California and was lookin for somewhere to fit in. Hes not rich so I told him to hang with us greasers ha ha. He may help out in the rumble tonight too, apparently he can kick ass.
Soda I think I should be mad at you for breakin' little Steve's heart but whatever. He sounds like a cool dude. :D
Awww poor Steve lol. But I hope he can fight with us tonight too, that'd be great. :)
This sucks for Steve. But this guy seems like a fun person to hang out with. I'm not saying Steve isn't but yeah
You know, he looks kinda hot. But Two-Bit is one hundred and one times hotter. :D
I think I'm going to burn Soda's bed while he is sleeping in it. No one replaces Steve! Grrr.
I Dont Think I Will EVER Be Able 2 Spell That Guys Name. That Pic Is Freaky I Feel Like He's A Vampire Trying 2 Eat Me!!!
Demetri? Really? Wow way-to-go u replace steve with a vampire?
I dont see what's so great about this guy, like seriously. & Steve is a way better name cuz it's easy to spell for the little kids like Pony or the slow ones like Dallas. And ya know I'm a waaaay cooler person than some vampire. I'm a mechanic. So now that's he's taken my best friend I guess he wants my job now too? This kid is out to get me...I'll go into hiding. Yaaah incognito. Ooh. And then after a few years I'll pay for plastic surgery so I look different and I'll come up with a new name. Maybe Felipe Chimichanga. I like it....but anyways! SODA HE BETTER NOT BE REPLACING ME! WE ARE BOUND MOTHA LICKA! WE ARE FUCKING BOUND!
Soda, in my defense Steve just pretty much told me I replaced you. That guy seems pretty cool. And Kit you are right he does look kinda hot.
The best people come from Cali! And he's hot, so I approve
Hey, he looks like a cool guy to hang out with, but i don't think he gives off the same aura as steve. sucks for steve though. lol i just commented here because i always comment on you and for some reason i cant comment on two bit's and i was gonna write some really long paragraph on how he had a good run on the blog, he will be missed and its good that hes not letting it control his life. - Mr Anonymous
Mr. Anonymous I don't know if I've told you this before, but you're my favorite Anonmyous :] And I think everyone's going to miss Two-Bit because he did such a great job, but he also made a good call.
oh Blair, Stop flattering me - Mr. Anonymous
he is sexy!!! :) but do yyour thang and don't let anyone tell you different!! listen to your heart.
How could you! Replace it friend wit a vampire! That just aint rite.oh and I was womderin do ya think I could join the blog to?
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