The family had just sat down for dinner when there was a knock on the front door. I opened and found Dimitri in a state of panic...
"Elena.....20 socs..." was all he managed between breaths, but really he didn't need to say anymore, we understood. Luckily Dal and Kyle were over so us and Darry sprint off behind Dimitri and his brother. We get to the lot and Elena is surrounded by socs, and they have blades...
We started goin at em from all over, next think I knew Elena's on the ground with a huge gash across her back and bleedin..... a lot.
Dimitri pulled a blade on a soc and freaked em all out enough that they started to run. Dimitri dropped down by Elena and just as I turned to warn him a soc busted a pop bottle right on the side of Dimitri's head. He passed out. The soc ran and Adrain followed em.
Dallas was throwin out swears right and left, and Darry was thinkin what the hell to do. Elena said sumptin bout no hospitial so we did the next best thing... we took em to Jelly's. Her dad is a doctor.
We show up on her doorstep with her boyfriend in Darrys arms and his sister in Kyle's. "What the hell??" was the first thing outta her mouth. We told her we needed her dad. Kyle laid Elena on the couch and just before we laid Dimitri down he woke up... we had to explain about the pop bottle and that damn soc.
Jelly's dad came in and said that Elena didn't look too bad, she might need a few stitches and an IV. She was in and outta consciousness. Well me, dal, and kyle went to find that son of a bitch and lend adrain a hand. We get across the lot to the park and sure enough there's Adrain...and one soc, I should have known...... we got closer and I noticed.... it was Bob. "Long time no see Soda." he said with a grin on his face. "How's that pretty little wife of urs?" That was it "You dont fuckin talk about my wife you son of a bitch..." and with that I used all my force and socked him one across the face... there was a loud cracking sound and he fell to the ground.
We made it back to Jellys. Apparently Dimitri had a concussion so if he fell asleep he would have to be woken up every 2 hours. From what I understood him and Elena just stayed the night over there.
We made it home not too late... and explained what happened to Pony and Katie, but I left out the Bob part.
No one messes with our gang..... NO ONE!!!!!!
"I don't know, man. It's just like sometimes I have to get out. It's like I'm the middle man in a tug-of-war or something between you guys. I don't know, I can't take sides."
Thinking About Joining???

Monday, June 28, 2010
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Good to be Home
I had a great time with Katie in the Bahamas, but I cant lie....i missed you guys.
Im only gone for ten days and Kit gets jailed and proposed to ??? I do have to say I was suprised at her answer, she is more responsible than I thought, but either way I would have been happy for her. She left the day I came back, and I havent seen her, I worry about her all the time. Yes I know she is 17 and strong and can take care of herself, but its still scares me to think that I have no idea where she is or who shes with. I turned off my phone while I was gone because I wanted it to just be me and Katie and I didnt want any bother from you guys, no offense I love you all. But before I went to bed every night I turned it back on and the only person I talked to was Kit.
Ive been so caught up in things lately that I feel like I dont even know Pony anymore, so today I had a date with my brother ha ha. We went to a movie, I suffered sitting through an entire movie just for Pony. Then we went and got ice cream and headed over to the stables to feed and groom Mickey Mouse. After that I dont even know how we ended up there but we went to the train tracks where mom and dad died. We sat there for a while not talking and when we finally did talk we couldnt stop. We talked till the sun went down, we talked about everything, mom and dad, brooke, snow, me and katie, darry, kit leaving..... it was like how we used to be, laughing and crying together, i didnt realize how much I had missed that, and how much I missed Pony.
After that we decided to get the gang together and hang out, we all went to eat and had a game of football in the vacant lot, guys against girls, and Im not gonna lie, the girls beat us.....TWICE!!
Im only gone for ten days and Kit gets jailed and proposed to ??? I do have to say I was suprised at her answer, she is more responsible than I thought, but either way I would have been happy for her. She left the day I came back, and I havent seen her, I worry about her all the time. Yes I know she is 17 and strong and can take care of herself, but its still scares me to think that I have no idea where she is or who shes with. I turned off my phone while I was gone because I wanted it to just be me and Katie and I didnt want any bother from you guys, no offense I love you all. But before I went to bed every night I turned it back on and the only person I talked to was Kit.
Ive been so caught up in things lately that I feel like I dont even know Pony anymore, so today I had a date with my brother ha ha. We went to a movie, I suffered sitting through an entire movie just for Pony. Then we went and got ice cream and headed over to the stables to feed and groom Mickey Mouse. After that I dont even know how we ended up there but we went to the train tracks where mom and dad died. We sat there for a while not talking and when we finally did talk we couldnt stop. We talked till the sun went down, we talked about everything, mom and dad, brooke, snow, me and katie, darry, kit leaving..... it was like how we used to be, laughing and crying together, i didnt realize how much I had missed that, and how much I missed Pony.
After that we decided to get the gang together and hang out, we all went to eat and had a game of football in the vacant lot, guys against girls, and Im not gonna lie, the girls beat us.....TWICE!!
Monday, June 07, 2010
Takin some time off...
All you guys know that a lot of stuff has been going on... Well Katie and I decided that we need some time away...alone. Disney World wasn't meant to be our honeymoon really, it was just a vacation with the gang, so I guess you can call this our honeymoon. We'll be back before you can miss us, I promise. Our flight leaves Friday afternoon and we'll be back on the 21st. We just need some time to think and to have fun together. Were going to the Bahamas and we'll see you all soon, I promise!

Wednesday, June 02, 2010
Some more words of wisdom...
You know how much I hate theses posts but I have to post em. I think the basis of all our problems is we get lost in our real lives and bring them to the blog. Thats a big NO-NO. The blogs were made to be a separate life, and alternate reality. And when you bring your real life and real self on here is when things turn messy. Obviously if we were all stuck in a room together, someone would get beat to death, but were not, some of us are half way around the world. All this fighting is just ridiculous and a waste of time and frustration. Is it really that hard to let things go? Are you really that immature to keep these fights going? Forgive and Forget guys, its that simple. Thanks to those who dont cause trouble, you're the ones who stay in character. When you created this character, it was one away from yourself, you shouldn't be acting like yourself, you should be acting like your character. DO things your character would do, and SAY things your character would say. Its a simple form of acting that obviously some of us suck at. Our characters are all friends and love each other so theres no point in fighting. Dont come on this blog as yourself....come on as Steve, KitKat, Pony, Darry, Breanna, Jelly, Dally, ect. Because those are the people we all love, not to say that I dont love some of your real people, i do, but not everyone does so on here PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE stay in character. If someones giving you a hard time all you have to do is ignore it, personally there are some of you I dont enjoy much myself, but you dont know that because I dont yell and scream at you, I keep it to myself. I dont care what you all do while personally texting or emailing eachother, but on here AND facebook you are characters, so start acting like them.
I've noticed there is some drama with people who have left. No offense, I love you and everything but you left, you cant complain about how things are going on here because you are no longer a part of it, that was your choice. Yes we will always welcome you back, but for now you cant tell us how to run things or yell at people because of things they did. You left because of that very reason, so why are you coming back to it? Some of you also think that leaving made things better here? Well it doesnt, you may have done it for personal reasons and for that I understand, but if you left because you thought it would make things better here, you were very very wrong.
I hope everyone understand this and that I care about all of you. Please take into consideration our FANS. We have them, and they love this, but it's not fair if all were doing is hating each other. We have to start acting like the Outsiders again. Think inside the box. Who is your character and what do they do, say, like...ect. What would S.E. Hinton say about them?
I really hope we can fix things, lets make this The Outsiders again!
I've noticed there is some drama with people who have left. No offense, I love you and everything but you left, you cant complain about how things are going on here because you are no longer a part of it, that was your choice. Yes we will always welcome you back, but for now you cant tell us how to run things or yell at people because of things they did. You left because of that very reason, so why are you coming back to it? Some of you also think that leaving made things better here? Well it doesnt, you may have done it for personal reasons and for that I understand, but if you left because you thought it would make things better here, you were very very wrong.
I hope everyone understand this and that I care about all of you. Please take into consideration our FANS. We have them, and they love this, but it's not fair if all were doing is hating each other. We have to start acting like the Outsiders again. Think inside the box. Who is your character and what do they do, say, like...ect. What would S.E. Hinton say about them?
I really hope we can fix things, lets make this The Outsiders again!
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