You know how much I hate theses posts but I have to post em. I think the basis of all our problems is we get lost in our real lives and bring them to the blog. Thats a big NO-NO. The blogs were made to be a separate life, and alternate reality. And when you bring your real life and real self on here is when things turn messy. Obviously if we were all stuck in a room together, someone would get beat to death, but were not, some of us are half way around the world. All this fighting is just ridiculous and a waste of time and frustration. Is it really that hard to let things go? Are you really that immature to keep these fights going? Forgive and Forget guys, its that simple. Thanks to those who dont cause trouble, you're the ones who stay in character. When you created this character, it was one away from yourself, you shouldn't be acting like yourself, you should be acting like your character. DO things your character would do, and SAY things your character would say. Its a simple form of acting that obviously some of us suck at. Our characters are all friends and love each other so theres no point in fighting. Dont come on this blog as yourself....come on as Steve, KitKat, Pony, Darry, Breanna, Jelly, Dally, ect. Because those are the people we all love, not to say that I dont love some of your real people, i do, but not everyone does so on here PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE stay in character. If someones giving you a hard time all you have to do is ignore it, personally there are some of you I dont enjoy much myself, but you dont know that because I dont yell and scream at you, I keep it to myself. I dont care what you all do while personally texting or emailing eachother, but on here AND facebook you are characters, so start acting like them.
I've noticed there is some drama with people who have left. No offense, I love you and everything but you left, you cant complain about how things are going on here because you are no longer a part of it, that was your choice. Yes we will always welcome you back, but for now you cant tell us how to run things or yell at people because of things they did. You left because of that very reason, so why are you coming back to it? Some of you also think that leaving made things better here? Well it doesnt, you may have done it for personal reasons and for that I understand, but if you left because you thought it would make things better here, you were very very wrong.
I hope everyone understand this and that I care about all of you. Please take into consideration our FANS. We have them, and they love this, but it's not fair if all were doing is hating each other. We have to start acting like the Outsiders again. Think inside the box. Who is your character and what do they do, say, like...ect. What would S.E. Hinton say about them?
I really hope we can fix things, lets make this The Outsiders again!
"I don't know, man. It's just like sometimes I have to get out. It's like I'm the middle man in a tug-of-war or something between you guys. I don't know, I can't take sides."
Thinking About Joining???

Wednesday, June 02, 2010
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i agree with soda guys this fighting thing is so overated ,my self in real life is tottaly diffrent from the blog,and i try my best to stay in charecter
All this fighting is not worth it it's just making things worst. Just ignore all the hate and so on.
Ight anonymous person. No one gives a shit what you think so go jump in a hole seriously. Part of da weason why were quitin is cuz of you and yo fwends that comment shit about us. So leave us the he'll alone
I'm not going to lie, but I've been out of character lately... I don't know why, but I'm going to change... Cause this post really meant something to me :] ... Everything said is true, except for having fans, cause I'm pretty sure I don't have any fans... :|
Sodapop Curtis you inspire me! I always stay in character! but you inspired me to do more! shanx!!! :D
I just have one question for you my dear anonymous. What kind of contribution do you think your comments make? Obviously you can't ride a bull half as good as you can talk it. I see really no relevance. I mean, what are you doing to make anything better at all? If you're not part of the solution, might as not be part at all.
And Soda, yeah thanks for the whole speech ;)
kitkat which anonymous are you talking about?
hthanks soders :3. im gna advertise for ur post because i feel EVERYONE NEEDS TO READ THIS. because every single person on facebook goes out of charactor. or atleast everyone i talk to. including myself.
Soda thank you... and like candie ai am not gonna lir to all of you... Yesh ai go outta character... But that's only cause people are used to being themselves.. im sorry if this doesn't help.. But If we go into a character.. then we would probably forget the other good times as ourselves.. im sorry to people that this doesnt make sense...
Also Thank you soda... you also opened my eyes... another thing is.. Yes it may be hard to be a character.. But if you imagine things (lying) then your good to go... also soda.. ai dont post that much either... But your right in all cases here..
... The truth is, I don't really like the idea of Facebook... That's why I don't have one. But I think it's fine for everyone else, I don't care :] ... I mean, we just made a progress and went from chat to NO-chat... Now Facebook?... I'm not complaining or anything, I'm just saying, so please don't find this offensive :| ... I came here for blogging and nothing else, so I'll stay blogging... But you guys can have Facebook, I'll pass :]
ur so right soda. fighting is not worth anything and u inspire me more than anyone i kno. soda i always stay in character and im just here for u cuz ur my superhero kno and always
-Katherine Jannill Parker Durian
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