I had a great time with Katie in the Bahamas, but I cant lie....i missed you guys.
Im only gone for ten days and Kit gets jailed and proposed to ??? I do have to say I was suprised at her answer, she is more responsible than I thought, but either way I would have been happy for her. She left the day I came back, and I havent seen her, I worry about her all the time. Yes I know she is 17 and strong and can take care of herself, but its still scares me to think that I have no idea where she is or who shes with. I turned off my phone while I was gone because I wanted it to just be me and Katie and I didnt want any bother from you guys, no offense I love you all. But before I went to bed every night I turned it back on and the only person I talked to was Kit.
Ive been so caught up in things lately that I feel like I dont even know Pony anymore, so today I had a date with my brother ha ha. We went to a movie, I suffered sitting through an entire movie just for Pony. Then we went and got ice cream and headed over to the stables to feed and groom Mickey Mouse. After that I dont even know how we ended up there but we went to the train tracks where mom and dad died. We sat there for a while not talking and when we finally did talk we couldnt stop. We talked till the sun went down, we talked about everything, mom and dad, brooke, snow, me and katie, darry, kit leaving..... it was like how we used to be, laughing and crying together, i didnt realize how much I had missed that, and how much I missed Pony.
After that we decided to get the gang together and hang out, we all went to eat and had a game of football in the vacant lot, guys against girls, and Im not gonna lie, the girls beat us.....TWICE!!
"I don't know, man. It's just like sometimes I have to get out. It's like I'm the middle man in a tug-of-war or something between you guys. I don't know, I can't take sides."
Thinking About Joining???

Wednesday, June 23, 2010
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YEA CUZ US GIRLS RULE SODA!!!!glad to here from you how u been hey we came back on the same day i was in new york for like a week . hows katie??? im glad ur back buddy
hahahaha truthfully i nvr thot i would have liked football so much. im not that sporty. but it was fun beatin you guys. i missed you so much soda!! im glad your back buddy(:
Soda, Im glad you had fun with katie i hope you had a grand time, We won for so many reasons im not even gonna say :D, im glad you had fun with pony and got to spend time with him :d, plez check out my posts :D Dimitri is back!!!!
i swear i thought pony cried when blair tackled him haha welcome back big buddy
Glad to hear you girls beat the guys. Have fun for me. And Soda, don't worry. I'm ok. Wherever I am, I am fine. :)
Glad your back~! Missed you and Katie so much >_<
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