We decided to hit the mall. We goofed around trying on clothes, pissing off security guards, splashing in the fountain, and bothering people with fake surveys about their sex lives. LMAO
We went to the pet store in the mall. Brooke wanted to take every animal home with her. She really wanted this one puppy. She went up to the guy at the desk, who's name was Simone according to his name tag, and she asked how much for the puppy, Simone said it was $500. He said the puppy was a 6 week old baby girl dachshund who is very playful and loves pink things apparently. I dunno how a dog can love pink things, arent they color blind? Anyways, Johnny said they couldn pay for it. We had to drag Brooks outta there so we could go get lunch.
After eatin lunch we got some snow cones that ended up on each others clothes. After that we called it a day and headed home to shower off the snow cones. I couldn stop thinkin about that puppy Brooke wanted....im supposed to be savin for a down payment on a house but....what the hell. I was feeling really nice so I went and bought Brooke the puppy. (Darry can just suck it :p)
I showed up at Brooke's house and rang the doorbell. Johnny answered and said Brooke was out so I just sat the puppy on her bed where she fell asleep.