I had to tell her. I plotted all the different ways to do it in my head, but not one of them seemed to be easier than the other. I wasn't in the mood to cook dinner, so I left everyone to fend for themselves with the leftovers in the fridge. I was sitting on the couch with the TV on but not really watching it. Katie walked in the front door and noticed that I wasn't in my usual place cooking dinner. "Hey," she said walking in. "Whats for dinner?"
"It's leftover night." I said with a sigh I tried to hold back.
"Did you have fun at that party last night?" I cringed at her words.
"Katie, we need to talk about something."
Her movements were slow after that. She set her purse down on the piano bench then walked over and sat down by me on the couch.
"What's wrong?" she said placing her hand on my twiddling thumbs.
I was silent for a minute, trying to get the words out of my mouth.
"Soda, you know you can tell me." She intended on making me feel better, but it only caused me more pain.
"Katie, I got really drunk last night.....completely wasted. I don't know how it happened, I just remember waking up... and it wasn't you." I started to cry.
Katie's facial expression grew worried, "What do you mean..." My crying made her cry, and I hadnt even told her the worst part yet.
I couldnt hold off any longer, I just had to say it, "I slept with Sandy." I said
Her hand moved away from mine and she just stared with tears streaming down her face.
I started to babble on about how I was sorry and that it was a mistake, but she just continued to stare until she finally cut me off,
"I dont even know what to say to you right now." Then she got up, walked into the bedroom, and locked the door.
The next morning Pony was a little shocked to find me in his bed.
"SODA!!" I woke up to Ponyboy screaming in my face.
"What Pony, What?" i sat up rubbing my puffy red eyes.
"I thought we decided you'd stop sleeping in my bed when you got married." He said.
"Yeah well some things have changed since I cheated on her Pony." I pulled the covers back over my shoulder and rolled over facing the opposite wall.
"You did what??" He shook me.
"At that party the other night, I got wasted and.... well I slept with Sandy."
"You cheated on Katie with Sandy??"
"Yes Pony, do you need me to give you all the little details?"
"No No No, I get it." He was quick to answer. "But, Soda how could you do that?"
I rolled back over to face him, "It was a mistake Pony. A big fucking mistake." Hot tears filled my eyes, "I was drunk and I thought it was Katie, but I fucked up Pony, I fucked up bigtime and screwed my ex-girlfriend." As soon as I was finished talking Pony pulled me into a hug against his chest. Ironic, I thought I was supposed to be the big brother.
"I've never been married or cheated on anyone Soda, but if it was a mistake like you said, things should work out okay." Pony wasnt supposed to be giving me advice and telling me its okay, that was my job.
"I dunno Pony, this is bad." I admitted more to myself than to him.
"But if love is anything everyone says it is... shouldnt she forgive you?"
God why did Pony have to be so smart.
"I guess" I said. "But, I just dont know Pones,"
"Soda, I know both of you and I know how much you both love each other, if if doesnt work out for you... then love isnt what I thought it was."
I guess Pony had a point, but I just dont know yet. I felt like I couldnt possibly get any lower than this.
"I don't know, man. It's just like sometimes I have to get out. It's like I'm the middle man in a tug-of-war or something between you guys. I don't know, I can't take sides."
Thinking About Joining???

Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Saturday, February 12, 2011
I Sure As Hell Didn't Expect to Find Myself Here
I came home from work wednesday afternoon with a sluggish attitude. I didnt wanna do anything with anyone. I wanted to take a shower and lounge on the couch till it was late enough when i could crawl into my bed and sleep off the wait for a new morning. Dimitri not being at work has really put a strain on mine and steves days. Too much work and not enough workers, but I guess i cant blame the guy, after all i can have sex and he cant LMAO.
I approached the shower with a relaxed mood. As soon as I stepped in to the warm water, someone busts through the bathroom door slamming it into the wall. There are only two people in the gang that do that, Pony and Steve. Since Pony was still at school for the day i figured it was steve.
"Dammit Soda hurry up we got a party to go to." he yelled.
"Steve, i aint goin to no party..."
"Like hell you aint buddy."
I barely had enough time to throw on clothes before steve had me by the arm yankin me out the front door.
"Since when did you go to parties in the middle of the day steven?"
"Since they had em in the middle of the day Soap."
Why would someone have a party in the middle of the day? We approached the house, and the moment i laid eyes on it I knew exactly who's house it was.
"Since when did you go to parties at my ex-girlfriend's house steve??" I was nearly shouting.
"Since she started throwin great parties dumbass."
"Remind me to tell Dimitri he's my new best friend."
Leave it to a greaser like Steve to stick his tongue out at you in replace of a comeback.
I hadn't seen or heard much from Sandy since she told me she was knocked up with someone else's kid and was leaving me, so when she answered the door i wasnt sure of what to say, so i let steve do the talkin........bad idea -.-
"Woah. Still as sexy as i remember. Since ur not with my buddy Sode's here anymore what about takin a whack at me?"
"I'll take a whack somewhere Steve, but I promise it won't be anywhere you'll enjoy." She answered.
I couldn't help but laugh, but as soon as I did she laughed too. God how i used to love that laugh. Everything rushed back at that moment. The nights i stayed up late to sneak out of my house and crawl into her bed, the first thought i had about marrying her, the tears that hit the floor when she told me it wasnt mine, the letter she returned without bothering to take a peek at it. It was almost overwhelming. The only thing that caused me to catch my breath was the thought of the person i had waiting for me when i got back home, and only then could i walk proudly through that front door.
We had been there a while along with most of our gang, to relieve the tension I did have a few beers, then we started dancing and having some fun playin strip poker and beer pong, then i had a few more beers, and a few more after that then a few after that. The next thing I knew I had no awareness of my whereabouts or who i was with. We were dancin and drinkin when i noticed those blonde curls dancing in front of me. I scooted up closer to her, my hands on her body, my eyes scanning her every curve. I didn't expect to see Katie at a party like this in the middle of the week, especially pregnant. I pushed the thoughts away and just kept dancing. After a couple of more beers i realized we were in a different part of the house, a bedroom, and we were on the bed with no clothes. I remember the feeling, her body beneath me, the soft noises she made as i pleased her. My lips were all over her skin, my hands caressing her body. After that I blacked out. It didn't feel long after that when the sun was streaming in on my face. As soon as i opened my eyes, the headache hit, it hit damn hard, but what i realized after that hit me even harder. I peered around the room, this wasnt my room, this wasnt even my house, and the person snuggled up against me..... wasnt my wife. It was Sandy. I couldnt remember my head hurting after that, all i could feel was the sharp ache in my chest.
I grabbed my clothes and left the house before anyone else woke up and realized what i had done. Luckily katie was at work when I got home. I felt so disgusted the moment I got out of the car I puked in the driveway. I wiped my mouth on my sleeve and went inside the house. I couldnt go to my room, the memories i had there with katie wouldnt help my situation, so instead i turned the knob of the door across from mine. I shut it behind me and crawled up in Kit's bed and just cried. I smelled awful, and I was sick to my stomach, but I didnt move. I couldnt move, all i could do was cry. After a while, the crying never ceased to slow so I decided to call someone. Who could I tell the awful, shameful thing that I had just done? Who knew how to convince me that everything would be okay? I scrolled down my contacts in my phone, and pressed call on the one right under Katie's.
It rang and rang and rang. No one answered, after all she was at school, but I tried again...still no answer. I gave up dropping the phone beside me and weeped into the pillow some more. My phone rang only a minute later. I pressed the answer button and suddenly couldn't remember what words were. I just bawled into the phone.
"Soda? What's wrong?"
"Kitty?...... I need you."
I approached the shower with a relaxed mood. As soon as I stepped in to the warm water, someone busts through the bathroom door slamming it into the wall. There are only two people in the gang that do that, Pony and Steve. Since Pony was still at school for the day i figured it was steve.
"Dammit Soda hurry up we got a party to go to." he yelled.
"Steve, i aint goin to no party..."
"Like hell you aint buddy."
I barely had enough time to throw on clothes before steve had me by the arm yankin me out the front door.
"Since when did you go to parties in the middle of the day steven?"
"Since they had em in the middle of the day Soap."
Why would someone have a party in the middle of the day? We approached the house, and the moment i laid eyes on it I knew exactly who's house it was.
"Since when did you go to parties at my ex-girlfriend's house steve??" I was nearly shouting.
"Since she started throwin great parties dumbass."
"Remind me to tell Dimitri he's my new best friend."
Leave it to a greaser like Steve to stick his tongue out at you in replace of a comeback.
I hadn't seen or heard much from Sandy since she told me she was knocked up with someone else's kid and was leaving me, so when she answered the door i wasnt sure of what to say, so i let steve do the talkin........bad idea -.-
"Woah. Still as sexy as i remember. Since ur not with my buddy Sode's here anymore what about takin a whack at me?"
"I'll take a whack somewhere Steve, but I promise it won't be anywhere you'll enjoy." She answered.
I couldn't help but laugh, but as soon as I did she laughed too. God how i used to love that laugh. Everything rushed back at that moment. The nights i stayed up late to sneak out of my house and crawl into her bed, the first thought i had about marrying her, the tears that hit the floor when she told me it wasnt mine, the letter she returned without bothering to take a peek at it. It was almost overwhelming. The only thing that caused me to catch my breath was the thought of the person i had waiting for me when i got back home, and only then could i walk proudly through that front door.
We had been there a while along with most of our gang, to relieve the tension I did have a few beers, then we started dancing and having some fun playin strip poker and beer pong, then i had a few more beers, and a few more after that then a few after that. The next thing I knew I had no awareness of my whereabouts or who i was with. We were dancin and drinkin when i noticed those blonde curls dancing in front of me. I scooted up closer to her, my hands on her body, my eyes scanning her every curve. I didn't expect to see Katie at a party like this in the middle of the week, especially pregnant. I pushed the thoughts away and just kept dancing. After a couple of more beers i realized we were in a different part of the house, a bedroom, and we were on the bed with no clothes. I remember the feeling, her body beneath me, the soft noises she made as i pleased her. My lips were all over her skin, my hands caressing her body. After that I blacked out. It didn't feel long after that when the sun was streaming in on my face. As soon as i opened my eyes, the headache hit, it hit damn hard, but what i realized after that hit me even harder. I peered around the room, this wasnt my room, this wasnt even my house, and the person snuggled up against me..... wasnt my wife. It was Sandy. I couldnt remember my head hurting after that, all i could feel was the sharp ache in my chest.
I grabbed my clothes and left the house before anyone else woke up and realized what i had done. Luckily katie was at work when I got home. I felt so disgusted the moment I got out of the car I puked in the driveway. I wiped my mouth on my sleeve and went inside the house. I couldnt go to my room, the memories i had there with katie wouldnt help my situation, so instead i turned the knob of the door across from mine. I shut it behind me and crawled up in Kit's bed and just cried. I smelled awful, and I was sick to my stomach, but I didnt move. I couldnt move, all i could do was cry. After a while, the crying never ceased to slow so I decided to call someone. Who could I tell the awful, shameful thing that I had just done? Who knew how to convince me that everything would be okay? I scrolled down my contacts in my phone, and pressed call on the one right under Katie's.
It rang and rang and rang. No one answered, after all she was at school, but I tried again...still no answer. I gave up dropping the phone beside me and weeped into the pillow some more. My phone rang only a minute later. I pressed the answer button and suddenly couldn't remember what words were. I just bawled into the phone.
"Soda? What's wrong?"
"Kitty?...... I need you."
Tuesday, February 08, 2011
Babysitting Chase
Since Dimitris been in the hospital I decided to show Chase around Tulsa so he wouldn't have to be at Dimitri's house alone all this time. What happens when you put a happy-go-lucky, crazy person like me with an insane, over-active person like Chase? TROUBLE and NONSENSE. Having said that, you know this post it most likely gonna be long.
We decided to spend the night at Dimitri's house the first couple of nights cause we had to take care of Cloud anyways. The first thing we did was raid the liquor cabinet. We stared with the wine then moved on to the rum and the next thing we knew we were makin bloody marys and they ended up all over the kitchen. Drinking our bloody marys, we wet some rags and put them on the floor and skated on the rags across the kitchen to mop up the floor.
I ran over and turned the stereo on full blast "I wanna see your Peacock cock cock, your Peacock cock cock." Oh the greatness of Katy Perry. We danced and stripped while we danced and ended up in Dimitri's room jumping on his bed and throwing his clothes all over the place. We pulled open his nightstand drawer and found another bottle of vodka. Somehow we ended up under his bed passing the bottle back and forth telling the stories of our wasted youth. "....and then she left me...all by myself man.... all by my fucking self." I dont' even know who I was talkin about but i was balling. So there we are laying under Dimitri's bed drinking naked....and crying. After a while we ended up downstairs passed out on the living room floor. I woke up at about 3AM because I was...... wet. I sat up and noticed that there was water everywhere. It was pouring down the stairs. I hit Chase in the head and attempted to run up the stairs but i slipped about half way up and hit all the stair goin back down. I think Chase pissed himself laughing at me. No really he pissed himself. I finally made it up the stairs and realized the water was coming from the bathroom. I pushed open the door to find Cloud rolllin around on the floor soakin wet. He must have nudged the faucet with his nose or paw sometime in the night. Now the whole damn house was flooding. I heard Chase coming up behind me as I tried to turn the faucet, but it was stuck. I pulled harder and even put my foot up againt the counter to push against my weight, and when I did that, the faucet handle broke off -.- "Shit man why did you do that?" I almost back handed Chase in the face. We had to crawl in the six inch deep water to get under the sink and unhook the pipe so the water would stop running. It took us a whole freakin hour to stop the damn water from running. And the house was sitting in atleast 4inches of it. We tried to vacuum some of it and empty it out, that lasted for about an hour, then we opened all the doors so it would run out, that got rid of a lot of it. The we gathered all the fans and plugged them in so they would dry the carpet. Luckily nuthin was damaged.
After that we had to sleep at my house. It snowed twice this week, and all the school kids were out playin in the snow. Jamie called us and asked if we wanted to join her, brooke, johnny, pony, kit, steve, carson, buck, curly, and the brumleys all for an epic snoball fight. She almost cried when we declined, but we had other plans :D We stood on the porch and could see the snowball fight taking place at the vacant lot. "Ready..." I said as we pulled off our shirts, "Set.." then we took off our jeans, "Go..." we ripped off our boxers and sprinted towards all the kiddos. We screamed and ran through all their little snow walls and battle fields, they yelled and laughed as they pegged us with snow. You dont know how cold snow is until youve been pegged in the balls with a snowball. Then the girls thought it was a fun idea so they all changed in to their bikinis and we made naked snow angels. Once we thought it was cool to pee in the snow, they chased us around the corner. The nearest house was the Cade's apartment so we decided to pay Ms. Dawn a little visit. We found her window and started throwing snowballs at it. We did so for about ten minutes when someone finally pulled back the curtain. We ran around to the front door and knocked. She answered and we stood there naked and drunk, "Daw..Da..Dawn, you know...you..ju just do damn beautiful.." Chase said with slurred words. "I..i think you'd like some of this.." then he pointed to his package. When he did that I looked at Dawns face, only it wasnt Dawn. It was her neighbor whos like 70 years old. "Shit." We ran like hell as the woman claimed to call the cops on us. Those cops are fast, they were there in like three minutes. Living in Tulsa all my life i know it backwards and forwards so I took the shortcut that led me back to my house behind all the buildings where no one can see me. I left Chase all alone. He didnt return after a while. I flipped on the TV and the news popped up....and there was Chase naked being handcuffed on the hood of the cops car, and in the background was Dawn standing on the balcony laughing her ass off. I almost peed myself. It was hilarious. I assume Chase is in jail now XD poor guy.
We decided to spend the night at Dimitri's house the first couple of nights cause we had to take care of Cloud anyways. The first thing we did was raid the liquor cabinet. We stared with the wine then moved on to the rum and the next thing we knew we were makin bloody marys and they ended up all over the kitchen. Drinking our bloody marys, we wet some rags and put them on the floor and skated on the rags across the kitchen to mop up the floor.
I ran over and turned the stereo on full blast "I wanna see your Peacock cock cock, your Peacock cock cock." Oh the greatness of Katy Perry. We danced and stripped while we danced and ended up in Dimitri's room jumping on his bed and throwing his clothes all over the place. We pulled open his nightstand drawer and found another bottle of vodka. Somehow we ended up under his bed passing the bottle back and forth telling the stories of our wasted youth. "....and then she left me...all by myself man.... all by my fucking self." I dont' even know who I was talkin about but i was balling. So there we are laying under Dimitri's bed drinking naked....and crying. After a while we ended up downstairs passed out on the living room floor. I woke up at about 3AM because I was...... wet. I sat up and noticed that there was water everywhere. It was pouring down the stairs. I hit Chase in the head and attempted to run up the stairs but i slipped about half way up and hit all the stair goin back down. I think Chase pissed himself laughing at me. No really he pissed himself. I finally made it up the stairs and realized the water was coming from the bathroom. I pushed open the door to find Cloud rolllin around on the floor soakin wet. He must have nudged the faucet with his nose or paw sometime in the night. Now the whole damn house was flooding. I heard Chase coming up behind me as I tried to turn the faucet, but it was stuck. I pulled harder and even put my foot up againt the counter to push against my weight, and when I did that, the faucet handle broke off -.- "Shit man why did you do that?" I almost back handed Chase in the face. We had to crawl in the six inch deep water to get under the sink and unhook the pipe so the water would stop running. It took us a whole freakin hour to stop the damn water from running. And the house was sitting in atleast 4inches of it. We tried to vacuum some of it and empty it out, that lasted for about an hour, then we opened all the doors so it would run out, that got rid of a lot of it. The we gathered all the fans and plugged them in so they would dry the carpet. Luckily nuthin was damaged.
After that we had to sleep at my house. It snowed twice this week, and all the school kids were out playin in the snow. Jamie called us and asked if we wanted to join her, brooke, johnny, pony, kit, steve, carson, buck, curly, and the brumleys all for an epic snoball fight. She almost cried when we declined, but we had other plans :D We stood on the porch and could see the snowball fight taking place at the vacant lot. "Ready..." I said as we pulled off our shirts, "Set.." then we took off our jeans, "Go..." we ripped off our boxers and sprinted towards all the kiddos. We screamed and ran through all their little snow walls and battle fields, they yelled and laughed as they pegged us with snow. You dont know how cold snow is until youve been pegged in the balls with a snowball. Then the girls thought it was a fun idea so they all changed in to their bikinis and we made naked snow angels. Once we thought it was cool to pee in the snow, they chased us around the corner. The nearest house was the Cade's apartment so we decided to pay Ms. Dawn a little visit. We found her window and started throwing snowballs at it. We did so for about ten minutes when someone finally pulled back the curtain. We ran around to the front door and knocked. She answered and we stood there naked and drunk, "Daw..Da..Dawn, you know...you..ju just do damn beautiful.." Chase said with slurred words. "I..i think you'd like some of this.." then he pointed to his package. When he did that I looked at Dawns face, only it wasnt Dawn. It was her neighbor whos like 70 years old. "Shit." We ran like hell as the woman claimed to call the cops on us. Those cops are fast, they were there in like three minutes. Living in Tulsa all my life i know it backwards and forwards so I took the shortcut that led me back to my house behind all the buildings where no one can see me. I left Chase all alone. He didnt return after a while. I flipped on the TV and the news popped up....and there was Chase naked being handcuffed on the hood of the cops car, and in the background was Dawn standing on the balcony laughing her ass off. I almost peed myself. It was hilarious. I assume Chase is in jail now XD poor guy.
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