I came home from work wednesday afternoon with a sluggish attitude. I didnt wanna do anything with anyone. I wanted to take a shower and lounge on the couch till it was late enough when i could crawl into my bed and sleep off the wait for a new morning. Dimitri not being at work has really put a strain on mine and steves days. Too much work and not enough workers, but I guess i cant blame the guy, after all i can have sex and he cant LMAO.
I approached the shower with a relaxed mood. As soon as I stepped in to the warm water, someone busts through the bathroom door slamming it into the wall. There are only two people in the gang that do that, Pony and Steve. Since Pony was still at school for the day i figured it was steve.
"Dammit Soda hurry up we got a party to go to." he yelled.
"Steve, i aint goin to no party..."
"Like hell you aint buddy."
I barely had enough time to throw on clothes before steve had me by the arm yankin me out the front door.
"Since when did you go to parties in the middle of the day steven?"
"Since they had em in the middle of the day Soap."
Why would someone have a party in the middle of the day? We approached the house, and the moment i laid eyes on it I knew exactly who's house it was.
"Since when did you go to parties at my ex-girlfriend's house steve??" I was nearly shouting.
"Since she started throwin great parties dumbass."
"Remind me to tell Dimitri he's my new best friend."
Leave it to a greaser like Steve to stick his tongue out at you in replace of a comeback.
I hadn't seen or heard much from Sandy since she told me she was knocked up with someone else's kid and was leaving me, so when she answered the door i wasnt sure of what to say, so i let steve do the talkin........bad idea -.-
"Woah. Still as sexy as i remember. Since ur not with my buddy Sode's here anymore what about takin a whack at me?"
"I'll take a whack somewhere Steve, but I promise it won't be anywhere you'll enjoy." She answered.
I couldn't help but laugh, but as soon as I did she laughed too. God how i used to love that laugh. Everything rushed back at that moment. The nights i stayed up late to sneak out of my house and crawl into her bed, the first thought i had about marrying her, the tears that hit the floor when she told me it wasnt mine, the letter she returned without bothering to take a peek at it. It was almost overwhelming. The only thing that caused me to catch my breath was the thought of the person i had waiting for me when i got back home, and only then could i walk proudly through that front door.
We had been there a while along with most of our gang, to relieve the tension I did have a few beers, then we started dancing and having some fun playin strip poker and beer pong, then i had a few more beers, and a few more after that then a few after that. The next thing I knew I had no awareness of my whereabouts or who i was with. We were dancin and drinkin when i noticed those blonde curls dancing in front of me. I scooted up closer to her, my hands on her body, my eyes scanning her every curve. I didn't expect to see Katie at a party like this in the middle of the week, especially pregnant. I pushed the thoughts away and just kept dancing. After a couple of more beers i realized we were in a different part of the house, a bedroom, and we were on the bed with no clothes. I remember the feeling, her body beneath me, the soft noises she made as i pleased her. My lips were all over her skin, my hands caressing her body. After that I blacked out. It didn't feel long after that when the sun was streaming in on my face. As soon as i opened my eyes, the headache hit, it hit damn hard, but what i realized after that hit me even harder. I peered around the room, this wasnt my room, this wasnt even my house, and the person snuggled up against me..... wasnt my wife. It was Sandy. I couldnt remember my head hurting after that, all i could feel was the sharp ache in my chest.
I grabbed my clothes and left the house before anyone else woke up and realized what i had done. Luckily katie was at work when I got home. I felt so disgusted the moment I got out of the car I puked in the driveway. I wiped my mouth on my sleeve and went inside the house. I couldnt go to my room, the memories i had there with katie wouldnt help my situation, so instead i turned the knob of the door across from mine. I shut it behind me and crawled up in Kit's bed and just cried. I smelled awful, and I was sick to my stomach, but I didnt move. I couldnt move, all i could do was cry. After a while, the crying never ceased to slow so I decided to call someone. Who could I tell the awful, shameful thing that I had just done? Who knew how to convince me that everything would be okay? I scrolled down my contacts in my phone, and pressed call on the one right under Katie's.
It rang and rang and rang. No one answered, after all she was at school, but I tried again...still no answer. I gave up dropping the phone beside me and weeped into the pillow some more. My phone rang only a minute later. I pressed the answer button and suddenly couldn't remember what words were. I just bawled into the phone.
"Soda? What's wrong?"
"Kitty?...... I need you."
"I don't know, man. It's just like sometimes I have to get out. It's like I'm the middle man in a tug-of-war or something between you guys. I don't know, I can't take sides."
Thinking About Joining???

Saturday, February 12, 2011
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Don't worry dude if u didn't know who u where fucking it don't count as cheating
Im sorry soda :( Sandy's a little hoe. But I did enjoy her comeback to Steve. And yes, only a greaser like Steve would stick his tongue out. I'm not sure if I'm proud to say he's my bro or not xD
But dal's KINDA right. Just tell Katie what happened and you thought it was her :s it'll probably hurt her obviously but it's better then sandy bein all hahahha I fucked your husband! When Katie had no clue about what happened :/ I dunno i mean I'd like it better if buck told me he accidently cheated :s
Awwwwww mannnnnnnnnnnn! (When I first read the title of this I expected this to end with someone in the hospital, not in Sandy's bed.) Katie will defitnetly understand, Soda..(:
um car's comment covered exactly what i had to say so....just double it yea :D
Dang Sodie. I didn't even know that was going on. I agree with everyone else though Katie will understand. Don't worry dude.
Everyone's saying that I'll understand..I really just don't know what to say though..
well i was gonna say she'll understand but....idk now..:/ keep ur chin up soda. we all make mistakes and what doesn't kill us makes us stronger. I'm here for ya bud.
Dallas, it sure as hell counts as cheating! And Katie might not understand, hell if I'm being honest she'll probably be heart broken and a mess. But if you try to make it up to her, and give her time things might get better
You would know Dal.
Well, I've never met you or katie, but I don't think it'll be that easy for her to forgive you. You still cheated and you could have prevented that. But, my hopes are high for you. I'm sure everything will work out just fine. I'm rooting for you!
Out of curiousity, how long have you been doing these blogs ? They are quite entertaining to read, I enjoy them ! Keep up the good work ;)
umm almost 5 years i think haha
WoW 5 years thats impressive ! Lots of dedication lol
hey soda dnt wrry its gonna be fine.... u and katie are 2 strong to let an idiot little hoe like sandy get in the way
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