I decided to relieve myself from the tension thats currently building up in my house and go out for a bit this weekend. I hit up the tastee freeze, then the vacant lot, i made sure to stay as far away as possible from the bars -.- I thought about what we needed at home and made up a list to go shopping. I was pacing the isles when I looked up and saw someone familiar, it was Sandys friend Mark, the one who did the DNA test that stated the baby Sandy is having is apparently mine. My first instinct was to ignore him, and i started to. I know he knew I was there, he kept looking over and fidgeting with a box in his hand. Finally he walked up to me,
"Look man, I need to tell you something," he was very hesitant. "I cant ruin anyones life like this and you deserve to know the truth."
I was confused. I retraced the last encounter we had but nothing was catching my attention.
"The baby isn't yours....it's Sam's"
I was confused.
"Why the hell would you lie about it?" I asked.
"Because.... its what she wanted. She says leaving you was the stupidest thing she ever did, and well when she realized your life turned out okay and her's didnt exactly turn out how she wanted, I just thought it would help her, but as much as i care for Sandy, I cant do this to you."
I couldnt believe what I was hearing. I was relieved to know the kid wasnt mine, but I still couldnt grasp the fact that he lied to me. What if he had never told me the truth?
After that he just kinda awkwardly walked off leaving me there in shock.
I felt like a huge chunk of this had worn away, yeah I still cheated but I now didnt have kid that wasnt my wifes to worry about.
I paced home after that, on my way to tell Katie about it, hopefully it would lighten things a little. I had just about reached the curb infront of my house when I hear a voice behind me, a voice i knew all to well but one i wish i hadnt known at all,
"Well, well if aint the prettiest curtis."
I turned around and faced the person I hated most in the world.
"What the hell do you want Sheldon?" I wasnt in the mood for his drama.
"I heard about your whorish little act. Didnt know you had it in you." He gave me that devilish grin that I so much hated.
I didnt want to mess with Bob, I really just wasnt in the mood for it right now, then again I never am.
"And with your ex-girlfriend... damn curtis and I thought I was the only thing that ruined your life." he laughed at his own joke.
I was fed up and frustrated. I was going to punch him the the mouth if he got any closer to me. Finally, I had enough,
"You know what Bob," I was yelling, im pretty sure the whole south and north side could hear me, "You did me a favor, if you had never taken Sandy from me I wouldnt be with the woman im with now, and i would rather die than to live life without her."
He started to move towards me, but something held him back.
"Leave him alone Bob." another voice, this one I didnt recognize.
"Go home, this isnt your fight." Bob was arguing with the person behind me.
I turned to look at him, I didnt recognize his face. It wasnt till Bob said his name when it finally connected in my head,
"Go home Tyler, your not wanted here." Bob was getting angry.
Tyler approached me, Bob just stood there a second then got back in his car and drove off.
"Tyler?" I couldn't believe it. "The younger Sheldon?"
The Sheldon parents split a while back, it wasnt a surprise to anyone really, we all saw that coming. Bob stayed with his dad on the South side. His dad was the one with all the money so when they split Tyler and his mom moved deep into the North side, making Tyler technically a greaser. Tyler wasnt ever seen with the soc crowd anyways so it didnt seem to bother him, but a former soc going grease... kinda makes him an outcast.
"Yeah." I could tell he didnt like being refereed to as Bobs kid brother, cant blame the kid though. "Im usually the first to notice when he crosses into the north side, Dad was never good a discipline..." He trailed on, i felt he was trying to get something across but didnt have the time to burst out with a life story. He was hated by the socs but disliked by greasers... he didnt really fit in anywhere. He scribbled somethin on a piece of paper and handed it to me before he started to walk off.
"If he comes back, give me a call." and with that he left. I pulled out my phone and quickly dialed the number as I watched him walk away then pull out his phone answering it.
"Hey, do you wanna stay for dinner?" I asked.
He hung up, turned around and we both walked inside.

I'M THE PRETTIEST CURTIS!!!!!!!!!!! That's an UNIVERSAL LAW goddamit. It's written in the Universal Declaration of Pretty Rights.
But... there's another Sheldon? WHY?!!!!!!!!!!!
Holy crap, there's a mini Sheldon?? He gets points for helping you out man, but I donno about this kid.
And congrats about the whole Katie - Sandy thing. Glad it all worked out
mini sheldon's cute just sayin :3
haha kit you now have more reasons to hate him oh how sweet
oh and im happy about ur whole not having another kid thingy hopefully things get better with katie:)
mini sheepdog is hot. anyways
and I agree with blair
That dude is sexxxyyy. BUT, I knew everything would work out, I'm pretty good like that. :3
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