I remember meeting Grandma Winston when Jelly and I were dating, ha ha I wish I had a grandma like her.
Anyways, Steve Dimitri and me were workin the other day and Jelly decided to stop by with grandma winston case Dal was hangin with us and he had to see her. Jelly was "re-introducing" us since its been so long since we have seen her grandma.. she got to me and her grandma said "Oh yeah....aren't you the one who popped Angelica's cherry?" I think my mouth dropped open, and i froze... what the hell do you say to someone's grandma when they ask if you screwed their granddaughter? Not to mention Dimitri heard that, poor guy. But before I had to come up with an answer, Jelly changed the subject to somethin bout Dal. Thank God! My appreciation for grandma Winston went down a little after that....
"I don't know, man. It's just like sometimes I have to get out. It's like I'm the middle man in a tug-of-war or something between you guys. I don't know, I can't take sides."
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Thursday, July 15, 2010
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wow akward poor dimitri haha
Sign. I don't even know what to say. That was probably one of the most mortifying/embarrassing moments of my life.
Haaaa xD poor Soda.
Bahahaha xD That must have been sooo awkward. I feel sorry for you guys.
Wow D: Akward!
Wow.....ummm, classy xD
Atleast you didn't have to answer the question
Yeah cause I saved his ass :P
Oh wow thats something
i feel bad for both soda and espeasially for dimitri the poor kid
i feel bad for both soda and especially for dimitri the poor kid
Hey Soda, we talked over email. Here's my blog :)
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