The forth of July is one of my favorite holidays. I dunno why, legally being able to blow stuff up is definitely a plus... and the food and parties i guess.
Well we had a party last night. I remember when we used to have parties like every weekend =D i miss that. Anyways... we shot off fireworks in the vacant lot with Shepards gang. I cant deny nor agree that a few were purposely shot in the direction of bob's house. We got crazy and experimented with the fireworks...
I wont point fingers or say names but... someone decided that putting a firecracker in a bottle of alcohol would be cool..... almost brought the fuzz down on us. We also had a roman candle war ha ha. Our gang beat shepards, and we gotta couple of burns but it was fun. After fireworks, came the getting drunk part, yeah we saved it for AFTER fireworks. Everyone was dancing and drinking and talking, i left for about thirty seconds to go to the bathroom and I come back, and its make out city all over my living room... I fucking swear every couple has got there hands all on each other and their tongues down their partners throat, some of em werent even couples. I think were gonna get a new couch.... and burn the old one. The people who werent makin out were gambling so I joined Steve, Darry, Ari, and a few others.
After a while Darry grilled some burgers and we all stuffed our faces at 3 am lol.
Every year the Socs go wild and shoot off a buncha fireworks, like a real show, and they do it at 4 in the morning and wake up the entire neighborhood. Everyone grabbed a seat in the backyard and we watched the show that lasted for about an hour. Everyone was so drunk by that time... i'm not even sure what happened next .... ? There was one thing I did remember... Elena snuck off with someone... someone who looked like.... bob. Dimitri was too occupied with Jelly so I didn't ask.
I guess overall it was a great fourth of july.
woohoo! first comment bitches :D. haha, not like it matters.damn that party was bitchin' soda! XD and yeah i saw el leave with someone to, i hope to hell it wasnt bob D:.
God that vodka thing was the best idea ever!! Haha I remmeber I lit me and dim's fireworks. Haha great times. I got burned 1once on my finger amd that's from ...... Idk
You saw me go away with bob?...oh shit
got some burns fromt the roman candles hurt like an effin sob. but it was funny wen we shot the fireworks at bobs house bahaha
IT WAS AMAZING SODA best fun i ever had and going to the pool wif DC and my sister it was fun
Probably the best party we've had all year! i think i saved a couple of firecrackers if i ever get bored not fair to light them only once a year :)yeah i saw elena sneak off with bob too. too bad his house didnt burn down with the fireworks
God damn, I love anything that gives us a reason to party. We need to start going crazy again, I miss the glory days
I got the 7th comment :P better then the first. Haha! 4th of July is alway so much fun! and dont burn the couch, there's way too many good memories :D
pssh, 7th is a joke XD.
It was a hella sweet ass party :p We need to start tearin up the house like every weekend again man.
Ur not following me
mark, i dont wanna know them memories you have with my couch...
my comment thingy cant count, it says I have 2 comments :/
I love blowing things up :D
Haha I love that comment Jelly xD And that was a great fourth!
Jelly I thought your comment said "I love blowing things".....
carson, take it from someone who dated her... she does lmfao
That is unneeded to know D:hahahhaha
does she swallow? ;p
... Please do not Answer that. Please.
I said don't answer :( learn to fucking read :p
I said don't answer :( learn to fucking read :p
shit...wtf...car, blogger deleted my comment XD i guess it didnt wanna know either oh well here it is again
"........only when she really wants to be kinky LOL"
You dick -.- you repeated it xD and bre. You fucking
love it.
You people are messed up -.-
See, that there is why I love you people. Thanks for the reminder I was starting to question it :3
its always great to hear about the things your best friend and girl friend have done ._.
haha poor dimitri! LOL u ppl really are very entertaining
The things that happen when I'm not there. Le sigh.
HAHA SODA! Theres somethings in this world that need to be left unoticed!! lol poor brother..
Ya know Soda, I would be careful of what you say about when we were together, cause two can play at that game. =]
i dunno what your talkin about jels
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