I was bored and needed to post and was talkin to Kitty, so this is what I came up with...
(u better feel special sister...)
#10: She can kick ass; dont even have to stick up for her, she handles herself.
#9: She can be serious and sarcastic at the same time...impossible you say? nothing is impossible with Kitty.
#8: Shes strong...i dont just mean physically, i have only seen my sister cry a handful of times in her life.
#7: Shes independent, though she loves her family and friends, she doesnt need them lookin out for her, she can take care of herself.
#6: Shes smart....most of the time =D
#5: She has a sense of humor, always keeps me laughing.
#4: Shes understanding and can be depended on when I need her.
#3: She is willing to do just about anything for the good of the ones she cares about.
#2: She dont put up with Shit =)
there ya go kit, the post youve been waitin for =p

Wow Soda, how much did she pay you for this one? :P
consider it a charity event XD
Hey Soda here's my blog (: and Kitty sounds like a billion dollars in this post haha
Kitty is rather fabulous..!
Kit got two posts in two days :p she must be glad xD
The title of this post sounded a bit like incest.
Wow. I really don't know what to say. This made me feel loved and yes, special. And also made me smile. It was such a nice thing for you to do. Thanks. <3
No Blair, this time I had nothing to do with it! Pinky promise! And Jelly, I thought the same thing. +D
I Think We Know Soda's Favorite :P
Always been, Pony.
hey soda, posted :)
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