Ah, the greatness that is Halloween. Every year the little kids go out trick or treating with their parents and stock up on sugary candy that keeps them up all week long and late for school the next day. They look forward to it every year just for the excuse to eat insane amounts of candy, but for us teenagers its a little different. We love halloween for the excuse to dress horribly inappropriately, get completely wasted, and scare those oh so innocent little trick or treaters.
So what better way to celebrate than a party at the Curtis house? Everyone showed up around six in their slutty, half naked halloween costumes. I was dressed at the naked cowboy =D wearing only underwear, cowboy boots, and a cowboy hat. There were various other revealing costumes such as Tarzan (Dimitri), A Playboy Bunny (Katie), A Sexy Devil (Dawn), A naughty little Fairy (Jelly), A Muffin (Johnny), A Vampire (Elena), A Cat (Kit) lol, and then probably my favorite costume was Dallas. He didnt dress up so I just told everyone he was a Dick LMAO.
When it came to games, people started gettin a little frisky. The first one we played was a couple game. Each of the girls had a garter high up their leg and their partner had to be the fastest to get it off.... with his teeth. I have to admit that I failed miserably. Dallas and Blair won, Im sure that wasnt the first time they've done that XD im also pretty sure blair had bite marks after wards. Kit and TwoBit came in second... that didnt make me feel too great -_-
After the games it was time to get wasted =D. I think my favorite part after that was when Pony, dressed as Britney Spears, got on the table and started to sing and dance... I cant say Im proud to call him my brother.
Dallas, TwoBit, Steve, Austin, Dimitri and I all went outside to scare the shit outta the little trick or treaters. Dallas crept up on this one kid and screamed in his ear and the kid turned around and punched Dal in the face HAHAHA he couldnt have been over 8 years old. We got a lotta candy doin that.
Next was time to mess with the socs... We went over to the south side and... had some fun. We TP'ed and egged and forked and smashed car windows and put various bloody halloween masks on their car antennas, we also left a coupla "dead bodies" here and there. We did Bobs house last, save the best for last right? Ofcourse his house looked the worst :) I think someone even puked on his porch LOL.
It was a great night and well worth the hangover the next day. Halloween gave us the excuse to act stupid and reckless, but that dont mean we wont any other time of the year! Happy Halloween