The group of guys??
We started the evening by watching the football game at 2. Yelling and drinking till 5 when it was over. After wards we argued over whose woman was hotter when Dallas and Dimitri almost ended up in a fist fight. We drank and drank and drank so yes we got drunk...all of us, even Darry. Have you ever seen Darry drunk? It's hilarious. He ran around the house in his socks and underwear with a towel tied around his neck and calling himself superman.... yeah that wouldnt be the first time this has happened haha. Then someone mentioned that famous lap dance that Dimitri gave Kit that night we all went out to eat together and well what does Dimitri do? He gets on the table and starts his boxers and a cowboy hat.. no idea where the cowboy hat came from, but being the drunk asses we were we just laughed...well some of us joined in...i wont say names *cough*twobit*cough*steve*cough* =D
We played beer pong somewhere in there and Dally won every game. Did I mention he peed on the floor?
All the little kiddies were out and the girls were hanging together. Kit walked in around 9 this morning to find us all passed out on the floor half clothed.....except Dallas, he was asleep butt naked on the couch. Poor Kit LMAO. She flipped on the light and someone...i think it was Mark, yelled at her to turn it off and then he threw a beer bottle that went crashing into the wall behind her. All I heard after that was "Oh Hell No!!" and I think she left again. I woke up later to see everyone still passed out cold. Darry was hugging Ponys teddy bear, Dimitri fell asleep with the cowboy hat on, twobit was sucking his thumb, and Mark was asleep on the table, steve had his hand down his pants, and dallas was on the couch still but this time he was laying on his back exposing everything -_-
Thats what I call a night out with the guys =D

That was a fuckin awesome night man! Haha
This does not shock me whatsoever.
There are no words to express how disgusted I am. And all thanks to fat rolls kid.
haha wow we can trust u guys when we're not around xD
Woooowwwwwww. Steve would have his hand down his pants :P
This is REALLY disgusting, but not surprising XP Ewww, mental images >_<
Now thats what I call a good night xD Dal needs to learn to keep his clothes on though haha
Thats my brother for you ....hahaha
[url=]periodontal diseases[/url] ownevofeKitte
that gonna give me nighmares...just sayin.
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