As much as i hate to say it, Kit is gettin married soon but she doesnt even have her own car. So as her older mechanic type brother, I get her a car. What kind? What color? How fast? How much? Last week i took a little trip to the junkyard, and this is what i found...... was once a 64' ford mustang. Clearly i had a lot of work to do. I had to find an engine, a starter, brake pads, brakes, headlights, tires, rims, a bumper, a new gas tank, a back windshield....and a few other parts here and there....cost quite a lot so i just wont tell Darry how much i spent and it will all be good =D
I got started fixin it up right away, every spare moment i had at work went to this car. Of course Steve and Dimitri helped ..... a lot. Like hell I could do all this by myself in a week. We got it lookin good and runnin smooth. Hope you like it baby sis =D

:) awwwwwwwwwwwwww
psssst its 1:30 in the morning and thats the best that i can do :)
Oh. My. God! Soda, that's like the best thing you ever given me. I can't believe you actually made it! And it is so cool. White and black! I bet it's fast. It's fast, isn't? I'm just like sooooo excited!!! How about we try it? I know! I'll take you to my next drag race and we'll try this baby! THANK YOU!!! <3
Best car ever!:) and awww like jamie said. Good work boys haha
OH DAMNNN! That's a nice girl, awwww yeaaaah. Awww, Soda! What a good brother(:
Car* hahaha.
Haha she didn't remember ur gift
DAMNNNNNN! That's a nice car. Well done Soda :P
Woah, long time no read. . . n im kinda lost. Remember me?? I was the guy who followed the blogs b4 it got all confusing and stuff. Well i sed i wasn't gonna read the blogs again but i had some nostalgia and had the urge to check out the blogs. I'm so confused, im not sure if its cuz there are too many bloggers (like before -.-) or because people have diff profile pix and i was used to the old ones XD. Anyways, im trying to get myself into it again but since there are so many bloggers, i don't know where to start digging in XD. That's probably my only complaint still, many people love the book with a passion(like myself) and wanna know what happens next and want extra story. Luckily i found this blog in like 2008/ 2009. It was great cuz it really did seem like a continuation of the story. Unfortunately, now i can't seem to grasp any of the plot at all, its like a giant knot you're trying to untangle and you even can't find an end to start at. Also, when i just finished reading the outsiders, i was pretty not obsessed but enthusiatic towards the book. It really made me want to go into the 80s(or was it 70s) because even though the small group of outsiders had their troubles, they were a tightly knitted group of brothers with a friendship you can't break. I read the blogs and it still showed that theme the original reading had. As time went on, more bloggers joined like blair and brookie cookie, but they still were cohesive and added some good things to the blogs. But time then dragged on as more and more jumped on the blog caravan, and it gets more and more confusing to understand, especially if you miss one weeek of reading the blogs. Im not trying to say that you should just change the blogs but im just saying that i really enjoyed the blogs at first because it really brought the story to life and i actually was about to create a blog, but that was until the vibe of the blogs changed from "ahh this is the outsiders" to "wait, what happened now" It just doesn't do the book justice, in my opinion, the themes of the original book that i cherished are now lost and hidden with all these distracting plot lines. Im sorry for taking up all of this space but its something i really had to say.
your opinions are appreciated, cant say i agree with all of them but thanks for the feedback
Haha I know man u can get really fuckin lost I u can't keep up
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