"I don't know, man. It's just like sometimes I have to get out. It's like I'm the middle man in a tug-of-war or something between you guys. I don't know, I can't take sides."
Thinking About Joining???

Thursday, December 31, 2009
New Years
So party at my house??? Dont know what were doin tonight but your all welcome to come to the curtis house and hang out for New Years. But if you come bring some food...and booze for those who drink it. can't wait, see you guys tonight
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Kristi's House
That was so much fun, we should hang out at her house again sometime Pony. Dally sure missed a good party. Where the hell has he been? Well after kickin everyone's ass at video games Katie's idea was to play hide 'n' seek since the house was so huge. Well I'm pretty sure someone broke a lamp and sometime in there someone grabbed my balls. No Lie! and it wasn't Katie cause I know how that feels LOL! Anyways while mostly everyone was watchin a movie Katie and I snuck off, and the first room we found had a water bed ha ha that was fun.
Friday, December 25, 2009
What are you waiting for...Christmas?
Don't you just love Christmas??? Well we had a great one, after everyone opened their presents this morning I turned to Katie and pulled a small box outta my pocket. Then I got down on one knee and I told her I love her and I asked her to marry me.............
........................and she said YES!!! I'm so incredibly happy, I can't even believe it, neither could she I swear she almost wet her pants with excitement. I woulda asked her sooner but I had to find the perfect ring (see below) and then I had to save up for it so yes I was waiting for Christmas. I'll let you guys know when we set a date and everything. We just had lunch and were expecting the whole gang over tonight for dinner, can't wait. Merry Christmas!!!

Well dinner went well, Katie and I had planned enough for the wedding to make a few announcements....
Best Man...Steve
Darry will be standing in for the role of mom and dad
Maid of Honor...Blair
Carl will be standing in for Katie's parents
I think its awesome how pretty much the whole gang is in the wedding, I love that my best friends are also her best friends.
I had to tell Tim Shepard and his gang that they better start looking for something to wear ha ha!
We also picked a date....March 20th 2010
........................and she said YES!!! I'm so incredibly happy, I can't even believe it, neither could she I swear she almost wet her pants with excitement. I woulda asked her sooner but I had to find the perfect ring (see below) and then I had to save up for it so yes I was waiting for Christmas. I'll let you guys know when we set a date and everything. We just had lunch and were expecting the whole gang over tonight for dinner, can't wait. Merry Christmas!!!

Well dinner went well, Katie and I had planned enough for the wedding to make a few announcements....
Best Man...Steve
Darry will be standing in for the role of mom and dad
Maid of Honor...Blair
Carl will be standing in for Katie's parents
I think its awesome how pretty much the whole gang is in the wedding, I love that my best friends are also her best friends.
I had to tell Tim Shepard and his gang that they better start looking for something to wear ha ha!
We also picked a date....March 20th 2010
Monday, December 21, 2009
So Katie's brother, Carl came lookin for her today. Apparently he left town after the funeral and just got back yesterday. He didn't know where Katie was but figured she was here. He didn't even know about her dad abusing her. He completely disagrees with his dad and cant even believe he did it. He also agrees that Katie should stay here. I told em to keep his dad away from my house cause I really dont feel like gettin jailed for murder.
So what do you guys want for Christmas? I haven't had time to do shopping till now, the only present I've gotten is Katie's!
So what do you guys want for Christmas? I haven't had time to do shopping till now, the only present I've gotten is Katie's!
Friday, December 18, 2009
Not so Happy Holidays....
I hadn't seen Katie since the funeral, every time I wanted to hang out she came up with some excuse and I didn't blame her since her mom just died, trust me I know how that feels.
Anyways I went over to her house yesterday, her car was in the drive way but no one would answer the door and i noticed it was unlocked so I walked in. It was dark, no lights in the house were on, nobody was in the living room so I went back to Katie's room. I found her on her bed so at first I thought she was asleep but then I heard her crying, so I went over to see what the matter was... when she turned her head to look at me I noticed the whole right side of her face was bruised up. I asked her who did that to her and she said it was her dad.
Apparently he had been beating her ever since the day of the funeral and she was scarred to tell anyone. I picked her up and carried her to the truck and brought her to my house, she has been here since, I dont think she wants to go back, I hope she doesn't wanna go back but I have a feelin her dad's gonna come lookin for her and when he does IM GONNA KILL THAT SON OF A BITCH!!! No one does somethin like that to my girl and gets away with it. I swear to God if he ever touches her again he ain't gonna be dead... he's gonna be beggin for death.
Anyways I went over to her house yesterday, her car was in the drive way but no one would answer the door and i noticed it was unlocked so I walked in. It was dark, no lights in the house were on, nobody was in the living room so I went back to Katie's room. I found her on her bed so at first I thought she was asleep but then I heard her crying, so I went over to see what the matter was... when she turned her head to look at me I noticed the whole right side of her face was bruised up. I asked her who did that to her and she said it was her dad.
Apparently he had been beating her ever since the day of the funeral and she was scarred to tell anyone. I picked her up and carried her to the truck and brought her to my house, she has been here since, I dont think she wants to go back, I hope she doesn't wanna go back but I have a feelin her dad's gonna come lookin for her and when he does IM GONNA KILL THAT SON OF A BITCH!!! No one does somethin like that to my girl and gets away with it. I swear to God if he ever touches her again he ain't gonna be dead... he's gonna be beggin for death.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Hey guys i just wanted to inform you that Katie's mom died Thursday morning. Apparently she had cancer. Katie's real torn up. Have you ever wished you could take the hurt outta someones life? When she cries, I cry too. I cant stand to see her like this. Well The funeral is tomorrow if yall wanna come!
Friday, November 27, 2009
Well I had to work this morning but apparently no one gets their car fixed on black friday so they sent me home, ha ha Steve still has to work.
Thanksiving was really nice this year. I went over to Katie's house for lunch and ate with her family, it was really nice. So that leaves dinner with the gang. Ofcourse everyone came over but thankfully nothing caught on fire this year, things actually went really well. It ended with all of us watching a Christmas movie. By the way what do you guys want for christmas???
Thanksiving was really nice this year. I went over to Katie's house for lunch and ate with her family, it was really nice. So that leaves dinner with the gang. Ofcourse everyone came over but thankfully nothing caught on fire this year, things actually went really well. It ended with all of us watching a Christmas movie. By the way what do you guys want for christmas???
Monday, November 16, 2009
So instead of trick or treating every year year to get free candy, Dallas came up with the idea just to scare it off little kids. Personally I think its kinda mean but I didnt tell Dally that. Anyways, so were walkin down the neighborhood watching all the kids in all their funny lookin costumes walkin around with bags full of candy. Dally is dressed in a "scarry" costume. We finally find this small group of junior highers walking alone across the lot. Man you would think Dallys a pro at this the way he scared those kids was downright freaky. You'd think he'd just jump out at em or sumpthin but no, he did it all creepy like. He just starts following them being all sneaky, looked like he was in a freakin horror movie. In the end we made it out with a ton of freakin candy. Later on the guys decided to have a costume party and watch some scary movies. Im not really all for the dressin up thing so i was just my handsome self. Anyways everyone came, Tim and his gang, and Steve, two bit, dally, johnny and blair after she left Bucks of course, ha ha she was so drunk too. Just before we were about to start the movie someone knocked on the door so i answered it, and when I did I found this drop dead sexy vampiress standin on my porch. Ofcourse it was Katie. She and I cuddled on some blankets on the floor and watched the movie for a while, but then she said she was getting bored so we went into the bedroom.......man you havent had it good untill you've had it with a vampire.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Whats Happenin???
Hey guys sorry its been a while, but you know how things are. Months may pass but i'll still be bloggin so check back every once in a while, i'll let ya know when i officially decide to quit.
So whats been happin??? Not too much round here... Katie and I celebrated our 1 year together not too long ago. Yeah she practically lives over here shes over all the time and she doesnt mind hangin with the guys all the time either, i love that about her... i love everything about her. So yeah since Johnnys been livin with us he's perked up a bit, ain't so scared anymore, its good for em. Went to a few parties since the last one and this time I took Katie with me to keep me from doin anythin stupid, wouldnt wanna repest of last time......well maybe except for that last part. Anyone heard from Dallas??? Aint seen em in a while!
So whats been happin??? Not too much round here... Katie and I celebrated our 1 year together not too long ago. Yeah she practically lives over here shes over all the time and she doesnt mind hangin with the guys all the time either, i love that about her... i love everything about her. So yeah since Johnnys been livin with us he's perked up a bit, ain't so scared anymore, its good for em. Went to a few parties since the last one and this time I took Katie with me to keep me from doin anythin stupid, wouldnt wanna repest of last time......well maybe except for that last part. Anyone heard from Dallas??? Aint seen em in a while!
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Born 2 Be Wild
So last weekend Dally's dad went outta town with some tramp so Dally threw this enormous party. Now fitting 300 people in Dally's little house wasnt so fun especially when they puked...
Well Darry was workin of course and I wasnt about to let my kid brother go to a party like this but he got on my soft side and talked me into it. Pony, Johnny , and I are walkin down the block and were about a mile from Dallas's house when we start to hear the loud music and screamin. Thats when I warned Pony that if him and Johnny left with me trashed I'd skin em both alive, especially cause it was a school night.
We got to Dally's house and he welcomes us with a huge stench of alcohol radiating off his clothes, it was so bad it made me gag. It wasn't even an hour into the party and he was already drunk.
So we were there for a while and we met up with Two Bit and Steve and just kinda hung out. Well I got thirsty and of course everything at a party like this has alcohol in it even if its not ment to and knowing me I dont drink but this time I couldnt help it I was dyin of thirst so I had a beer... or two...or five, i cant remember, anyways Next thing I know Two Bit is passed out drunk on the couch. Steve was hittin on some girls Dallas was doin Lord knows what and I couldnt see Pony or Johnny anywhere which kinda worried me so I went lookin for em I hit the wall and trampled over some things or someones a couple times till I finally made it to the back yard. I saw this girl I used to go to school with before I dropped out and I had liked her back then but now I think shes kinda trashy and no good, but she comes up to me and we talk for a few minutes and all of a sudden she starts sayin how she liked me and thought I was hot or somethin and the next thing I know her lips are pressed up against mine with her tongue all in my mouth, and im too drunk to realize whats goin on otherwise it wouldnt have happened, suddendly shes yanked away from my mouth almost takin my tongue with her. I looked up and I saw Katie. And I wasn't drunk enough to think I hadnt done anythin wrong cause my heart almost fell outta my chest. All I could think about was that I blew it and Katie and I are over and now she hates me.
Well I was wrong...very wrong. She knows me well and knows I never drink and she knew I wouldnta done that otherwise. Well I dont remember what happend next cause I passed out. Next thing I knew Pony and Johnny were haulin me on in to the house and in to my bed. I started to wake up and I saw Katie sittin in a chair beside my bed starrin at me with her arms folded. I jumped up and told her how sorry I was and that that girl ment nothin to me and kept ramblin on about it till Katie kissed me and said "I know how you can make it up to me." a direct quote. Well she pushed me back on to the bed an.................. well you can just guess what happened next.
Wow, yeah thats the 1st and last time I ever get drunk, not that I didnt like what happened in end or anythin, haha. What a great role model I am for Pony.
Well did anyone else go to Dallas's party? And Dally what unlucky chick were you makin time with for so long?
Well Darry was workin of course and I wasnt about to let my kid brother go to a party like this but he got on my soft side and talked me into it. Pony, Johnny , and I are walkin down the block and were about a mile from Dallas's house when we start to hear the loud music and screamin. Thats when I warned Pony that if him and Johnny left with me trashed I'd skin em both alive, especially cause it was a school night.
We got to Dally's house and he welcomes us with a huge stench of alcohol radiating off his clothes, it was so bad it made me gag. It wasn't even an hour into the party and he was already drunk.
So we were there for a while and we met up with Two Bit and Steve and just kinda hung out. Well I got thirsty and of course everything at a party like this has alcohol in it even if its not ment to and knowing me I dont drink but this time I couldnt help it I was dyin of thirst so I had a beer... or two...or five, i cant remember, anyways Next thing I know Two Bit is passed out drunk on the couch. Steve was hittin on some girls Dallas was doin Lord knows what and I couldnt see Pony or Johnny anywhere which kinda worried me so I went lookin for em I hit the wall and trampled over some things or someones a couple times till I finally made it to the back yard. I saw this girl I used to go to school with before I dropped out and I had liked her back then but now I think shes kinda trashy and no good, but she comes up to me and we talk for a few minutes and all of a sudden she starts sayin how she liked me and thought I was hot or somethin and the next thing I know her lips are pressed up against mine with her tongue all in my mouth, and im too drunk to realize whats goin on otherwise it wouldnt have happened, suddendly shes yanked away from my mouth almost takin my tongue with her. I looked up and I saw Katie. And I wasn't drunk enough to think I hadnt done anythin wrong cause my heart almost fell outta my chest. All I could think about was that I blew it and Katie and I are over and now she hates me.
Well I was wrong...very wrong. She knows me well and knows I never drink and she knew I wouldnta done that otherwise. Well I dont remember what happend next cause I passed out. Next thing I knew Pony and Johnny were haulin me on in to the house and in to my bed. I started to wake up and I saw Katie sittin in a chair beside my bed starrin at me with her arms folded. I jumped up and told her how sorry I was and that that girl ment nothin to me and kept ramblin on about it till Katie kissed me and said "I know how you can make it up to me." a direct quote. Well she pushed me back on to the bed an.................. well you can just guess what happened next.
Wow, yeah thats the 1st and last time I ever get drunk, not that I didnt like what happened in end or anythin, haha. What a great role model I am for Pony.
Well did anyone else go to Dallas's party? And Dally what unlucky chick were you makin time with for so long?
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Sup Guys? Not too much happenin here except for last week Johnnys parents came around lookin for em, they didnt know he was stayin with us and we figured they didnt care where he was in the first place but we were wrong cause they came lookin for em and found em at our house, well we explained how he had been livin here for months and this pissed em off real good, they started to go after Johnny but we told him since hes 18 and all he has the right to stay where he wants to and they aint got nuthin to say about it. Yeah so we told em real good and they hadnt come back since. Poor Johnny, It makes me even more glad he doesnt have to live with them anymore.
Monday, July 27, 2009
Revenge Again!
So the other day I was at the store picking up some stuff off Darry's shopping list. I was almost done and started to head to the check out when I saw Two Bit. He didn't know I was there so it was a perfect time to mess with em. I just kinda followed him around a bit when I noticed he swiped some hair grease and stuck it under his jacket, and well in our part of town there are quite a few cops just wonderin around so I found the closest one and told him that two bit had stolen something, and that cop had him down on the ground in secounds ha ha ha, it was hilarious. Well I high tailed it outta there pretty fast. ha ha ha ha your welcome Two Bit!
Saturday, July 11, 2009
WOW! Hey guys, what has it been like 2 years??? Well at first I decided I didnt have time for bloggin no more but all you keep commenting on it I decided i might as well star it up again, so i hope you guys keep readin it. I've noticed no one else still blogs but it sure would be fun if they started up again.
Gosh so much has happened, Johnny ended up movin in with us bout a year ago and its pretty tuff. I moved in to the bedroom with Darry and Johnny shares the room with Pony. Pony really likes havin Johnny around, someone who understands him better. Well me and Katie are still together and I still love her just as much. Shes a great girl and all the guys love her. Well keep checkin back, i'll try to post atleast once a week or so.
(note from author: feel free to star your own Outsiders blog if one character hasnt posted in over a year you may have that character, but please let me know so I can put a link to it on to my blog, thanks.)
Gosh so much has happened, Johnny ended up movin in with us bout a year ago and its pretty tuff. I moved in to the bedroom with Darry and Johnny shares the room with Pony. Pony really likes havin Johnny around, someone who understands him better. Well me and Katie are still together and I still love her just as much. Shes a great girl and all the guys love her. Well keep checkin back, i'll try to post atleast once a week or so.
(note from author: feel free to star your own Outsiders blog if one character hasnt posted in over a year you may have that character, but please let me know so I can put a link to it on to my blog, thanks.)
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