He said Kit was suffering from Bulimia Nervosa, an eating disorder. Thats why she so damn skinny and puking her guts out all the time. I remember just sinking in to one of the lobby chairs, trying to get reality through my head. Kit Kat Curtis has an eating disorder? My sister? My smart, strong, funny, lively, beautiful sister? No way! I've seen her inhale more food than myself sometimes...theres no way... Darry explained how she would go behind our backs and let it all out in the toilet after meals. I just couldnt believe what I was hearing. I burst into to her room. She was hooked up to all sorts of machines and tubes. She looked so fragile and helpless. She just stared at me....with tears in her eyes. I hugged her, as hard as I could without thinking I was gonna break her. "Its okay Kitty." I said. 'Youre gonna be okay." I still couldnt believe this.
They released her from the hospital the next day. They gave her some medication to take and told us what her diet should be and stuff. I went grocery shopping and got a lot of food, healthy food and brought it to her apartment. I spend the evenings over there to make sure she's followin doctors orders. Dr. Winston checks up on her too. Every night when she goes to bed, before I leave, I randomly place sticky notes around the house.....inside a cabinet door, on the fridge, on the bathroom mirror, on the TV. And they say things like "I love you." "You are so beautiful." "You are strong." Positive things like that. Then I leave and drive home telling myself that shes gonna get through it and that shell be okay, because she is KitKat Sarah Curtis. My loving, gorgeous, fun, thrilling sister who I love very much, and she of all people can conquer anything.

dont worry man she'll be fine
Thanks Soda :)
Thats really sweet soda :)
I JUST AWW'D OUTLOUD! That's so sweet, Soda! She's gonna be good, buddy(:
I wish I had a brother like you!
That's so sweet of you Soda. I hope Kitty will be okay :(
Who the fuck voted for me in that poll -.-
At first I thought it said who is the fastest that's why I voted for Pone. +D Soda, u forgot Dally.
no...i purposely didnt put him in there, cause then there would be no contest :p
And here I was doubting your intelligence ;D
ha ha :p ya know...dallys the one who comes up with most of these polls XD
she is gonna be fine soda
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