Its funny how weddings work. Marriage is planted in to your mind as something thats supposed to be faithful, beautiful, a partnership. You spend endless amounts of money for cake, food, flowers, dresses and tuxedos... all for one day. You pledge your love for that one single person you cant live without. So why is then that a few nights or so before your wedding day you plan a night designated on forgetting all about that one person? Going wild? Getting wasted and watching women who you are not marrying, take their clothes off??? I really just don't get it, but it sure is a hell of a lot of fun =D
Being the best man :) means Im in charge of the bachelor party. I wanted it to be a good one so i debated on where to have it. I finally decided on Buck's cause well hes our friend and gave us the place for the whole damn night for a very decent price. Plus this way he could join us. And we all have memories here so it just kinda fit the deal. I went in early yesterday with Buck, Tim, and Darry so we could decorate. We covered the walls in black sheets, letting no light in, and then we put up a few black lights and a fog machine. And then we cut neon paper in the shape of feminine bodies and hung them up haha, It looked epic. We set out beer, vodka, margaritas, bloody marys, and just about every alcoholic drink you can think of. It was all arranged nicely on round silver trays on the bar. Food wise I asked Darry to grill some steaks and sausage and stuff. Yum :) Then came time for the party to start. I set a dress code for the party and showed up at Dal's house wearing black shorts and a bow tie and holding extras in my hand. "Curtis, what the hell are you wearing?" Dal's face was priceless =D "The same thing you are." I handed it to him and made him change. Then we drove to Bucks. Everyone cheered when Dal came in and thats when the party really got started. The music was blaring and we were all eating and getting drunk. Steve showed up with a blow up doll -.- dont ask...i promise you dont wanna know. After a while Dal asked if there were going to be strippers... I said yeah that they were already here upstairs and that I would go get them. Secretly on my way upstairs i happened to nudge Dimitri and TwoBit. A few minutes later the music changed to something more ..... danceable, and a spotlight appeared on the archway where the strippers were supposed to appear..... and they did. Me, TwoBit, and Dimitri slid out under the archway wearing shiny black pants and white tank tops, and we started dancing...pretty provocatively i might add LMAO, once the tanks and shiny pants came off and exposed flashy silver banana hammocks, im pretty sure it woulda qualified as a porno. XD Dal tried to act mad so we would get him real strippers but i could see the laughs he was holding back. I actually did get real stripper though. They came out right after us with a poll and everything ;) (katie i still love you and you are the only woman for me, those strippers got nuthin on u baby)
It was a great night. We all got wasted and woke up the next morning in eachother's vomit. HAHA.
Dally and Blair, I consider you both family and I wish you many happy years together.... but not as many kids XD Congratulations!

I did NOT need that mental picture Soda D:< There are somethings I'm happy not knowing about. But thanks for babysitting Dallas around the whores you hired :)
Haha best cuvkin night in a while man. Thanks a million soda hahaha
Hahahahahaha, that sounds..interesting. :P
NO MALE STRIPPERS AT MY BACHELOR PARTY! I am not going through that again.
Oh. My. God.
ha i seconds jelly's comment
i told you we should have planted cameras on them :( woulda made for great entertainment.
looked like fun boys :)
And you guys wonder why we have nightmares ;)
oh and Sofa, Darry wants you out of the house.
technically the house is still under mom and dads name so he cant kick me out :p
I'll be happy to reenact it Jamie...but only for Jels ;)
Something just hit me. I'm still underage, so if I get married does my custody change from Darrel to Two-Bit or what?
No it changes to Chuck Norris
Haha, that was a good one, Jelly.
And if it changed to Two-Bit, Kit that'd be creepy...
Chuck Norris wouldn't last a day with me. :P but I'm being serious guys!
Well first off if your underage I think you need Darry's consent on getting married :P And Dallas...what does cuvkin mean? xD
i cant rember much of it....
my brother would be your caretaker and bed buddy...........akward :P
and dimitri thanks -.-
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