I wanted to let you guys know that I've decided that this being a dad thing isn't that scary anymore, in fact its something I want. Katie is so excited about it so I cant help but be excited too... anyways here is the start to my morning...
I woke up and got ready for work. I took a fast shower then went to my room to throw some clothes on. Well i soon discovered that my underwear drawer was empty. What the hell? I just did laundry yesterday. I checked in Katie's drawer and all of her's was still there. Darry was at work already, so I asked Pony about it, but he had no idea what i was talking about. Dammit!!! I had to borrow a pair of Ponyboy's which are way too small, it kinda hurts. I would borrow Darry's but he hides his from us. I got dressed and headed to the refrigerator for the chocolate cake I made last night. I opend the door and found... BEER, fourteen cases of FUCKING BEER!!! Only then did an explanation cross my mind... TWOBIT MATHEWS!!! Darry isn't gonna like having to go grocery shopping twice in the same week. Seriously TwoBit??? Pony is banned from alcohol at the moment and Katie sure as hell cant drink it... what are they supposed to eat???
"I don't know, man. It's just like sometimes I have to get out. It's like I'm the middle man in a tug-of-war or something between you guys. I don't know, I can't take sides."
Thinking About Joining???

Monday, January 18, 2010
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IDK, I Thought It Was Funny! I Wish You Could See What U Looked Liked,Soda.
Come on Soda! You gotta admit it's pretty damn funny!
Aha nice one two-bit
hehe , fuunny .
you could just have a kick ass party , tha'd get rid of the beer
i was already plannin on havin a party this weekend blair, yeah i'll admit that it would be hilarious if my brother wasnt strictly banned from alcohol and my soon to be wife wasnt pregnant...
You can't deny it wasn't funny. Oh poor Soda, having to wear Pony's underwear. Too tight? God, I laughed myself out imagining that one. Yeah, it's going to take a while before I take that picture off my head.
lmao! thanx kit didnt think about it till now!
No one thinks it's funny? ya'll need a sense of humor!
i think its funny!
:] sweet
ha. i love your blog! and the outsiders. can i like. join some how? write back X).
Yes you can. I'm having a flashback here. Hehe. Let's just wait and see what the others say.
of course you can its so much fun! it gets crazy at times but its still awsome!!! :D
It gets a bit dramatic too.
lol yea ik
but its still fun , you should totally make one . i still say there should be a steve !
thanks guysz :D.well okk..:3. seems pretty legite. and agreed, I will wait for everyones say X).
there shood be a steve unless ur a girl!
my sister (carson) thinks you should . and she wants a steve because hes the only one left out lol
yea i am a girl
. but other wise i totally would have. but god damn he has a beautiful six pack :)....
well i hope everyone will b ok with it :D.
who said girls cant write guys blogs? The author of The Outsiders is in fact a girl!
of course they will!!! we always welcum new people or newer parts of the gang! ooh you should be my sister! and johnny's sis! unless you had sumthin else in mind! but it would be awsome!!!
PLEASE Be Steve, It's Weird Not Having Him... How Come Everyone Who Wants 2 Do The Outsiders Blog Thing Always Comments On Soda's Blog?
That's exactly what I was thinking Pony.
you should be steve.
cause apparently ever one loves me remember =p and i've been on here the longest...
<3 we do love you soda. :D
yea but twobit or pony if you were a girl you wouldnt want to be a boy would you?!...didnt think so!!!
theres nothing wrong with posting as a boy when your a girl , and vice versa . but personally i think someone should make a steve blog before making up new characters . theres alot already , and i think we should finish getting the orgionals we fell in love with before making any new ones
yeah but then we would have another not real character even if u r a girl i think u should be steve or cherry
I think ya'll should get Steve before anyone else. Just don't ruin the charactor, ya know?
And I don't think there should be a Cherry.. because it's "the gang" and Cherry isn't part of the gang. Also, Cherry and Bob already have a blog. But it isn't updated much...
I Know 3 Guys On This Blog Who Are Girls! LoL!
As In They Write As A Guy But Are Girls?
omg be KATIE!!!
Haha! I Never Thought About That :D.... But I Still Want A Stevie :(
haa well u all desided to respond i guess..:). i feel bad cuz yall want me to b steve so much haha ^^. dont get me wrong, i wouldnt hav a problem with that but i dont really kno how to interperate him :/.
Yea, Me 2... Im Fine With Ya Being Whom Ever You Wanna Be. :)
well thankyoo :D. cuz alls i kno bout him is hes sodas bestfriend, hes smart and cocky. and he thinks ur a kid n a tag along lol :)
haha yea ik!!! so who ya gonna be?!
plz be KATIE
Haha! She Doesn't Have To Be. :D
And keep Soda's pants off.
Oh my god. I can't believe I said that.
wow. haha. and i think thats more up to him then me guys. you kno. being katie and all. wat if he doesnt want me to? lol im not jus gna b all like. im ur gf and thiers nothing u can do about it :p. it doesnt exactly work like that :)
Actually, in this case, it does.
Besides, he wants to have an excuse to keep his pants off so he would not say no.
o yay -_-.. lol. alright. well il see waa everyone else thinks o that first. me being her..
Im Fine It!
I Mean Im Fine With It! God! I Cant Type Today.
okay :D.
i recommended it so obviously im ok with it
mhmm :). lol
well i think it should be up to soda , its the same as if someone was going to be any of the boyfriends / girlfriends you came up with
Soda get your butt over here and say something.
blairs right! but it would be cool if u were katie!!!
alrighty.noooooow we jus gotta wait for the slow one..lol
lol ik
haha soda u have been on here the longest. i i remember . i made my blog like three years ago bcz i saw urs haha
heyy guys
:s.Feel free to answer wen ever u want soda..lol (cough)..
I know the person who does Soda in Real life. They asked me to do Two-Bit in the first place Lol. The person doesn't want anyone to be Katie. I'm sorry.
Because I was actually gonna be Katie, but they said no. Lol. So, I'm Two-Bit :D
ok thats fine :).
i could b someone else no big deal :3.
psssst !
steve , because i love steve . and you know , because they dont say alot about him in the book you can make him how you want
not sure who exactly yet. but il thinka somefin :).
well honnestly i dont exactly wnna b him. but i kno my friend who loves ur blog. i can ask him maybe. im sure he would.
yeah but keep in mind too many imaginary characters doesnt make it true enough
Two Bit's right, I dont want katie to have a blog, sorry, but you could be like her sister or something if you want
Or you could be Mark. :D
What About Cherry's Bff! I Forgot Her Name... It Started With An M I Think. Or... I Had A Really Cool Idea Yesterday But I Forgot!
HEYY!!! (Sorry Couldn't Help It Someone Said Hey Guy, And I Felt Bad I Didn't Say Hi Back)
Marcia, Pony.
I Knew That... I Just Forgot How To Spell It... Yea!
you could be bubblegum u know soda and kitkat's triplet
I Dont Want Another Sister. Maybe She Could Be Like Darry's Girlfriend Or Something... She Could Be Mine
But Soda and I aren't twins. He's 19, I'm 17.
Oooooh! She could be Danielle!
Haha! Are You Sure Your Not 19? LoL!
No. I wish though, that would mean I was done with school.
Haha, But You See Me There! If You Didn't Go You Wouldn't See Me Everyday!
I would see you everyday after school at home anyway. But you're right, if I wasn't there I wouldn't stick up for you every time you got in trouble.
So enjoy it while you can 'cause this is my last year.
What Happens If Ya Fail? Then I'd See Ya Next Year.
I'm not going to fail 'cause I'm working really hard to get an scholarship.
But still, I'll still be a year ahead of you.
Naw, You Forgot I Skipped A Grade! :p
So you're a junior now?
God I keep fogetting, since to me you still look little.
NO no one is gonna be danielle thats my call since danielle is moi's bff and if u pick a character it needs to be someone in the gang
and i thot i was ur bff?! :(
Don't you remember Brooke, I adopted you.
I Wanted Her To Be Kristi :'(
But you're grounded from Kristi, remember?
But The Dance Is Tommorrow!! And I Already Asked Her?
Too bad sweetie, get someone else.
And post number 100 baby! YEAH!
Well Im 101! And NO!!! Johnny Says I Can, And Im Taking His Word For It.
Oh yeah, well, I'm # 102! Take that Pony!
ik im ur sister! but i want a SISTER! dont worry i still luv you kitty!!!
You know what Pony, do whatever the hell you want. I really don't care.
Aw, I do too Brookie.
Ooh! I just thought about it! Cookie Brookie. That's your new nickname!
hmmm .... this is getting hard . do you have any ideas for who you'd like to be?
hmmm .... this is getting hard . do you have any ideas for who you'd like to be?
you guys always like go crazy talking right after i leave! haha. so wait. im not aloud to b any people i make up :o? im kinda a little perplexed about was goin on here :S
well i kinda wanna b someones sister, but it seems like u guysz gotta lotta that goin on here :).
it'd be cool if you were b's sister
mmk sounds pretty sweet ;). i would love to b ur sister :D. and im guessing ur johnnys sister to ?
i gotsta pik a name :).
please , i beg you . nothing that starts with k !
haha wow u guysz got like 6768760323 k's...and i didnt relly hav any K's in mind :).
Pick a name, any name.
Kimberly = BAD !
im liking dawn..
Dawn's cute .
Dawn Cade ... DC !
oh shit. haha. darryl curtis...DC..lol haha
no cynthia or sharon aunts it would be wierd! and fuck no to sandra cuz u know sodapop
but i realy like that name so darryl can suck it :p
So far:
I like Tammy.
Tammy Cade.
watcha thinkin
dawn or tammy..im happy with either
if you were DC i would be forced to call you washington
ha. hmm...how bout
i like jacey and jordan
mmk. i like jacey a lil better then jordan :3.
You should be Dawn Cade.
mmm..ya i like that to i honetly dont care i like all of them but i think i might have to go with dawn
I like Sarah, Tammy, Lori, and Debra.
i think dawn sounds the best with cade thou :/.
me too
ok so we goin with dawn? ^-^. Dawn Cade. sounds pretty good to me ~.^
now all you need to do is post , Lol
yea....il get to that. thanks guyss :)...
I dont think u should have another cade
too late! =D
yesh. to late now buddy. :). well i did my about me and what not. :).
Dawn, sweetie, enable the comments in your blog so we can, well, comment :D
mmmm. i see. im new to the blogging and stuff :)....
i think i might have fixed it...im not exactly sure......im kind of puzzled..
heyy guys.
hey isabella !
why hello thier :O.
sodapop you need to post bad!!!!
HAHAHAHAHA! Pony's underwear wad too tight! I seriously can't stop laughing. Yall are HILARIOUS.
i meant was, not wad. oops.
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