I think that was one of the best parties we have ever had. I decided not too drink too much first of all i usually dont drink and second bad things happen when I do so I just had enough to toast off the new year anyways it was a blast. Tim and his gang were there and all of us except Johnny and Pony left early.
Well it started out as any party, everyone arrives and we just kinda hang for a while but soon I learned that the Brumly boys brought some fireworks so they got that goin. It was fun shootin off fireworks, Dallas almost got his ass blown off ha ha. Well a little while later I notice Two Bit is missing, and if you know him then you know thats not a good thing. Its wasn't till the next morning I found that he had spiked every non-alcoholic drink I had so I was really drunk and apparently made a fool of myself but I cant remember any of it. Steve and Katie said they tried to keep me in line but I dont believe them, they probably just let me loose and laughed at it. They hinted something about me mistakin Brooklyn for a guy or sumptin, Does anyone know what all I did???
"I don't know, man. It's just like sometimes I have to get out. It's like I'm the middle man in a tug-of-war or something between you guys. I don't know, I can't take sides."
Thinking About Joining???

Saturday, January 02, 2010
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I think you lost your pants at one point.
you went on for 20 minutes about how you want to screw a cow
Aha u had ur pants off man it was fucking halarious!
katie enjoyed the view too much to pullem back up for u
Haha pretty much
Awww And I Missed That! :p Someone Should Of Filmed What Happened!
damn, i'll never live this down...
haha no u won't man
i got pictures =D
Damn! And I missed it?! Well, at least Blair took pictures. You better show them to me.
u ended up passing out too and i had to carry u to the car.
Haha! I Think He's Getting "Too Heavy To Be Carrying" Haha!
touche haha
pony i love you
Haha! Thanks :D I Feel Very Loved Today! :D
especially from cherry LOL srry i had to
Yeah Jamie, especially from Cherry.
again , im going to cut that child
good blair
i was bored so i swung by buck's and uh...(smiling).....i met someone special
I Said That Cause That Was What I Was Thinking... I Couldn't Help It
waiiiit.. blair do u like pony?!? how the fuck could u do that!!!
because you fucked kristi .
hey hey hey hey hey... i did not mean it. do u really?
like a brother , the same way i love carson !
u lov carson like a brother?
Oh ok haha. U should come to my place after the party man and see ur puppy :)
yes, carson is more of a brother then a sister . and dal i love my puppy :)
Aww haha. It's a german sheperd. Whatcha gonna call him?
dont tak emy advice on pet names i lov to call all animals "fluffy"
Haha he would get made fun of forever with that name
he would get beat up at the dog park
haha thats for sure. so watcha gonna name him then?
i dont know , carson said osscar
miss you Soda and your non-pants-ness
haha what do u say tho
TEX! You Should Name Him Texas.... Get It Dallas Texas!!! Haha! Yea I Like The Name Tex!
has katie decide the wedding colors yet so i can pick out my dress already
Haha nice
chill jamie , its only january
Wow...home boy wasnt i invited D:..?
omg me and kels had the best time on new years eve it was so fun!!!!!!!
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