That was one hell of a party. Everyone was over by about 6 except Pony and Brooke came in around 9. Thank God all that beer is gone, Ponys been eyeing it all week but I didnt wanna spoil the party for him so I let him have one. We had to pretty much move everything inside cause it started to snow and all, damn it was crowded.
We started to play this game called "Just Rolling Through", your in two teams and you have a partner, one guy and one girl. The first partners on each team start and the girl has to pass an apple up the guys pants leg and out the other, then they switch and the guy has to pass it through the girls sleeve and out the other, once one couple finishes the next one on the teams goes, ha ha it was fucking hilarious especially cause half of us were drunk. My team won!!! But damn I never noticed how hard apples are, ouch!
We also had a dance off. That was pretty funny too, I think Kit won that, she was so wasted!
The party lasted till 4am and somewhere around 1 Steve passed out on the floor, Im pretty sure I stepped on him a few times, and then I saw Dally and TwoBit standin around him figuring out what prank to pull on em, I dunno what they did though. Dawn walked in to the wall, lmfao. It was great Dawn! After that you kept rambling on something about the muppets and singing lady gaga songs. I dunno.
Around 4 we started to clean up and I was so tired. Johnny started a conversation with me about something, to tell you the truth I dont think I heard a word he said, ha ha Sorry Johnnycake, I hope it wasnt important.
The gang ended up sleepin over a few hours, which was great. Darry woke us up around 11 and made breakfast, so we all ate and watched Mickey Mouse cartoons. A great ending to a great Party!
"I don't know, man. It's just like sometimes I have to get out. It's like I'm the middle man in a tug-of-war or something between you guys. I don't know, I can't take sides."
Thinking About Joining???

Saturday, January 30, 2010
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Yah now I'm fucking bruised and sore thanks to you!You need to watch where you are stepping when I am passed out on the floor!
lol. that wall didnt taste very good..and now my head hhurts, on top of bein hungover as anythin. i hav a pretty mean bruise on my fore head now. and the muppets singin lady gaga. they would never do that :O.
the party was sick .... but once ya'll were hammered me and katie were all left out, oh well :P
fun party and im srry steve i might of stepped on you too
I think everybody stepped on me at least once...
Nope, I didn't. Because I love you Stevealicious.
i dont remember.
i poked you with a stick a few times
I think I actually tripped over you Steve. :( I have a 2 mysterious bruises. One is on my left shoulder and the other is on my right knee? Anyone know why??
yea you tripped over him lmao!!! me and james helped you up!!!
Well thanks for helping me up. :)
and i poked you a few times as well :P
Holy fuck man I had the worst hangover. It's almost gone now. Awesome party though haha
oh man. I just had my first smoke in a loooooong time and it felt so sooooooooo good!
just thought I'd share that with you all :]
Totally beats MY first smoke Car.
I was throwing up all day because of it. Not something I would gladly repeat.
KitKat for some reason its not letting me comment on your blog so heres my comment............
"feeling guilty for blowing Johnny," did anyone else find this sentence.......interesting??? And I really wanted to keep my pants ON at this party Kit
CONGRATS BROOK, you gave me my 1000th comment!!!
Yeah my blog's been a little weird. I'll just post it there quoting you.
Fixed. And what I meant by 'blowing Johnny' was breaking his heart.
ha i kno. but u just laugh wen u read it ^-^.
what a hell of a party!
i did awww i feel special!!!
I am confused. :/
sodapop sed i gave his 1000th comment!!!
but this post only has 27?
out of all his posts!
Can I please join? :)
not another one
h8 to be all rude but i dont think we should have another character so i agree with the second anonymous
yea ik me too! sorry!!! we will see wat everyone says but there are alot of people!!!
aww i love the baby names there soo cute:]♥
hey i was woundering if i could going your gang plese:Þ?
No offense but we don't need anymore people
I Feel Like The Odd One, But Im Fine With It.
As In Im Fine With Them Joining?
I feel like I should be quoting the last annonomus that said WE DONT WANT ANY MORE FUCKING CHARACTORS
but no. I'm going to be pleasent and say; no thank you. there are too many as it is
If I can join who can I be? btw i'm a girl
everybody already has one :P
and you'd have to make up somebody but we already have to many people
i dont care if they join..i dont realy see the problem :).
ur rite idc either its fun to have new people!!! :D
so me,pony,and dawn say yes rite?! is that it!!!
yea. were the only welcoming people here :D.
I don't think it is such a good idea. I mean, another character would be too much. But, I don't know.
yea , theres kinda enough people already .... sorry but by my count thats 10 no's and only 3 yes's
im wit kit the gang is getting really big and all spots of original characters are filled and more would be too much is wat i think srry
But There's Only 14 Of Us And I Know At least 4 Didn't Vote.
Only 5 Said No! 5 against 3 :o. we'll wait and see.
OK Pony, if you insist in having another character, then, tell me what do you suggest huh? Who should she be?
so its still 3 to 5!!!!!!
so its still 3 to 5!!!!!!
I Dont Have An Ideas I Just Dont Think We Have A Right To Say They Can't!
We just have a right to say no. The rest is up to them.
But whatever.
yea. i didnt say i had a person in mind, its thier choice, and im ust saying i wouldnt care if they did make one.
I Disagree Kitty. I Feel Anyone Should Be Able To Join If They Want To.
That's why I said whatever.
I personaly really don't want another person. I think we have enough. I don't think there should be any more Curtis's or Cade's esspecially. and I really don't want another Randle.
yea , like kit said all we can do is say we dont want them to . but we cant stop them . but i personaly think that there shouldn't be anymore sibs because theres alot already
yea. i dont want another sibling. but yea. idc if they wana jut b like someone
What If They Just Make Up Someone?
Pony. that's obviously what their going to do you Snail.
Im Not A Snail :'( No One Said They Could Do That, The Just Said They Can't Or They Can... Im Just Trying To Help :'(
its okay pony :)
Way to be rude people... I say anyone who wants can join, they used to do star wars blogs and they had about 30 people doin that. I just think we dont need more siblings, make a whole new character
ooh that would be kool!!! and seriously i gess me pony dawn and soda are the only nice ones here!!! :P
NOTE FROM AUTHOR: I created this to be fun and open to everyone, anyone can join and we dont really have a right to say if they can or not
Well I guess being nice doesn't go well with me.
i just noticed something , we all keep saying no more sibs yet theres other characters in the movie / book . like the shepards and other gangs .... if someone wants to join and dont want to make up someone there are always those characters
and i really didnt mean to make anyone mad earlier but i kinda thought about that before whenever anyone asks to join , we cant really stop them.
I don't really give a fuck and I don't feel like arguing. You can join if you want. You have Stevealicous's permission :)
yay! more people :D. i lov meeting knew people :).
yea, sorry. I was just saying I'd rather not have someone new. I never said 'no you are not aloud to be a part of this' . I mean, as I recall, I didn't exactly ask, and no one bitched out at me. So whatever, join as you wish.
Also, do the Shepard's have a sister? or was that just a fanfiction.. I think it was one of the other books, but you could be a Shepard sister or someone if you want.
yea in that was then this is now, they hav a sis named angela who dated brian from that book
Yes! I love people! hate people! But the gang is my acception! :)
well wait, who wanted to join again?
you fail Steve. but I love you :D
and NOT just because I have to :'(
How do I fail? And I guess I love you too...
aww :(. thats depressing
What's depressing? Wtf meds are you taking?
pshht,none of your business!
" Steve Randle said...
Yes! I love people! hate people! But the gang is my acception! :)"
thats why you fail Steven. and you GUESS you love me? sniff sniff.
I also forgot to mention I read a ton. and I read all the Suzy Hinton books in like 07-07 xD
so that's why I was deeply confused
i read them all to :D. high five!
yay! *cyber five*
that was supossed to be 07-08. fml.
i agree wit blair now that i think about it i dont really care but i think its a good idea to be the other characters like the shepherds or marcia or someone who exists
I'm sorry Carson, I do love you. You're the best sister EVER!
I'm your only sister -.-'
time to whip out theeee...
EMO FACE!!!! (//.-)
o shit :D. the emo face is pretty legite
isn't it amazing? I'm very proud of myself for making it.
SOOOOOO. You're still the best one! I couldn't dream of a better sister!
you guys scared away the kid haha
Dally is finally fucking on!
yea yea. suck it up Stevealious.
He's the S to the T, E, V, the E, the Y
And can't no other man put it down like him.
is that part of the song?
possibly :]
you are never going to live this down
probably not :(
I don't want to sound like i'm bugging u guy's. But i'm just wondering if I can have an answer, if I can or can't join
i say its not our decision. u can join if u'd like ^^
you can join... just dont be related to any of us lol, maybe someone in time shepards gang or a whole new person
You guy's won't be mad or upset?
go ahead.
not at all :D
no we wont, you have the right to join if u wanna
i lov new people! :D. just let us no wen ur all finished wif ur blog ^-^
See I Told U, Kitty! :D
Yeah Pony, I get it. No need to mock me for the rest of the day with it.
To my defense, however, I meant not part of the gang.
sooo is that a yes or no. cause i really wanna be part of this gang. thxs:]
again, its not really our choice
I made it, you guy's can add me
well make a blog first :D.
I don't know who I should be. A friend or what?
B who u wana be, B-A-R-B-I-E. barbie girl! sorry. i had to do it..but yea. who ever u want except family
I love you Dawn.
I just came up with two new nicknames for Emily and Isabella.
For you Emily, I'll call you M&M.
And for you Isabella, I'll call you Bellini.
Hey, fun fact, I just realized most of my nicknames have something to do with food!
That's cool. And an other thing m&m ia a character from that was then, this is now
Haha, I hadn't thought about that.
Well, I'll think about something else if you want.
i was talking with *carson* and we were like "it'd be a cool twist if someone made a half sib for someone that they didnt know about. you could do that if you wanted, but totally up to you
m&m is fine. I made a blog I think :S
lol..bellini. thats sorry, but my nickname pwns everyones :P. its a type of shoe! who doesnt like shoes?
what about bell. its from beauty and the beast?
beauty and the beast can suck it XD. im sorry, im really into the phrase "suck it" today.
i can tell.. lol
Dawn hobo's don't like shoes because if they did they would have some. So that's who doesn't like shoes!!!
well theyll like my shoes :).
But M&M Was A Guy In That Was Then,This Is Now
yea. he was wierd to. curly beat him up :(.! ass hole -_-...
I know but she likes it lol. it reminds her of m&m's. Anyway u have a better one?
i suck at comming up with nicknames , or names for that matter lol
Haha steve I'm always on... Kinda haha
Ohk well you never post anything and you don't really comment that much....youre just kinda there when youre on
Haha I guess so. Actually no I comment when I'm on. Which is like not that much haha so ur kinda right. Hey did u see that chick fight by the dx the other day? Haha man it was fucking halarious!!
lmao. i lov bitch fights :). they think pulling hair is affective :).
it is if you pull hard enough, rup off their scalp and they bleed to death. :]
that would b impresive :o..
this is why i dont fight! I WOULD DIE!!!!!!!!
no offense brook but u probably would
o i dont take offense i know im weak!!!
ur not mentally weak if that helps just physically
yea ik im not mentally weak! but for damn sure physically!!!
I don't fight...fighting is violent. Instead I have guacamole, guacamole is not violent. GUACAMOLE=LOVE
thats bullshit steve everyone knows you luv fightin just as much as dal n twobit
lieng is bad. tisk tisk.
steveie loves fighting almost as much as me.. :]
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no thanks im good
lmao no kiddin wtf was that about lol!!!!!
maybe i like slow downloades! god...actin like they kno my life. jeese.
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