Anyways, the wedding is going to be at a small chapel not too far from my house. A lot of you are in it as you know, and Katie has picked bridesmaids dresses (see below). She will be wearing her mother's dress to save money and because she wants to, (see below). You already know the colors are white and gold. She's still deciding on the cake, but I found my groom's cake! (see below) I think I already told you Katie's cousin is the flower girl. Were also lookin at invitations. Oh and Johnny you dont have to worry about a tux anymore cause I want the groomsmen to wear jeans, (not old torn up jeans, you have to buy some new ones) and black leather jackets =D, and converse, it'll look tough.

(bridesmaids dresses)

(Katie's dress) (she's gonna cut the sleeves off)

(My cake)
Ha nice cake soda!;). i love the dress. very pretty :D.
Haha! Yum Cake!
luv the dresses, katie's dress will look amazing and that's an awsome cake sodapop!
what flavor is it? Im not sure wat a pepsi cans supposed to taste like :3...
oh it will be chocolate ofcourse
mmm. wise decision ;)..
im sure johnny won't be eating any then lol
I Was Just Thinking That. LoL!
watev chocolate is GOOD. and tell katie i lov the bridesmaids dresses and im a size 1 in juniors
i love everything about this . the cake is my favorite part , wouldn't expect anything less from you though
Did someone say chocolate? I think I'm gonna hurl!! Jk! I think wearing jeans and a jacket is awesome!!! Go soda for realizing we are not the kind of guys to dress up in monkey suits!
lmao! yea no kidding
Hey, can I be, I think it's bubblegum or something?
we'll see wat the gang says!!!
weel we just added me. and they want someone to b steve real bad lol..but hey. i wouldnt mind. lets see wat everyone else thinks ^^..
ok well i saw that bubblegum never says anything, ever, so i just thought i could be bubblegum. but i'll wait :)
ok their right but jesus christ that was rude!!!!!!!!!!
agreed with the other anonymous. x)
yea..that wasnt very nice..
I agree with the anonymus. I don't mean to be rude, but I think it is getting pretty big, specially since the only ones joining are girls.
mhm. if they wanted to b steve it b diffrent. and depending if u even want her to b ur sis, kit.
This may sound selfish and somehow mean, but it is me being honest.
I think we should keep it like that, unless of course, they want to be Steve. I frankly don't want a sister, since we are already four in the curtis household. Another would just be too much.
i see wat u mean :). u could b steve though :O. everyone really wants him :S..
I can be Steve. It'll be awkward but I can be Steve.
yeah if ur gonna be steve then thats cool but act like a dude otherwise im srry but i agree with anonymous though it was rude
Ok I'll be Steve and I'll do my best to act like a dude :)
Has anyone noticed that everyone applies for a spot in this little thing on Soda's blog? lmao..
alright then steve make a blog :)welcome aboard
Yep, we've noticed.
well. the reason i did it on here is cuz he sed in one a his posts if anyone wanted to join. to let him kno.
Yeah no more girls.
Ok everyone I have a blog now so add me :)
yea make a blog X)..
YAY!!! ok now soda i was readin who was gonna be the bridesmaids and groomsmen and stuff like that and it sed that KRISTI WAS GONNA BE A BRIDESMAID!!!! WATS UP WITH THAT!!!!!!!!
He Wanted Me To Be Happy! And YEA!!! We Got A Steve! Now I Feel We Need Another Party!
i enjoy parties X)...
Everyone Does! Its A Change From All The BAd Junk Thats Been Going On!
r u serious soda is kristi gonna be a bridesmaid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?
i would cry if she was!!!
Specially since he choose her over me.
ik i was thinkin the same thing too! how could you choose her over your sister
thats wack :o..
katie decided that before kristi went all pansy ass... so kit-kat will be a bridesmaid
Wait What!? But Can She Still Come!? :'( Please!
so you still like kristi!?!?!?
i though u liked brook
so did i! :(
yeah Pony she can come if it makes you happy but she aint bringin any of her drama with her
wow soda ur being pretty cool about all dis i thought that katie wand u wanted a small intimate family and friend type wedding but watev if u and katie r cool wit it so am i it is ur wedding
Hey Soda, one I in the weddin?
dude ofcourse your my best man!!!
wow steve ur almost as slow as pony!!!
i like it better wen he does it!!!=D
ALMOST. as slow as pony. ha. im just kiddin pony :D. got ta warn ya this time so u dont get all mad at me again, u kno wat im saying X)
hey SPC..A
Sodapop Patrick Curtis should have another name begining with an A. So we can all adopt cute fuzzy animals from you :]
I forget if I am or not..
im the maid of horror !
it makes me happy
I'm the best man, suck on that! Wooo I'm pshyked!! This is gonna be so much fun man!
dallas you can look @ one of the previous posts but yeah ur in it
For Soda and Katie's wedding present I'm gettin them a cat, and it's name will be Columbus. You will so thank me later :)
columbus? only ur dumb ass would think o that one stevie steven. wow if that wasnt corny enough for ya idk wat could be..jese. lol
so much for being DEEP steve
ha lmao
They will thank me later, I swear they will! And Columbus is a tuff cat! Hell I'm the one who picked the thing out!
i dont wana kno wat possessed u to wana name a cat that steven lol
It fits the whole Curtis family vibe, original but awesome names! That's what possesed me to name it Columbus. No other cat will be named Colombus. Just like there is no one else named Sodapop and Ponyboy and KitKat. Duh!
Steve can you change the name to Cozycorium? Cozy for short? :]
haha ok
wat does "corium" mean Car
its sounds cool. Cozycorium
yeah but corium reminds me of emporium
oh well
Car likes to be different, so cozycorium is what she came up with. But the cats name is still Colombus :)
im just curious.....why a cat???
Well Soda, it's seemed more like a cat guy. And the cat is cheaper than a dog. Plus they are easier to take care of, if you don't want it just say so and I'll get you something else. But he's a tuff cat. I think you'll like him :)
we'll keep em, i was just wondering
I was wonderin cuz Blair and Jamie are in a fight, have we ever been in a fight? I can't remember but I don't think so?
Not that I remember off Steve. And even if you did, you guys aren't girls. You just beat the hell out of each other and then back at being friends.
When girls fight is so anoying! They keep grudges forever!!
u hav been enough to tell me about...........................jkjkjk dal well the thing about girls is if ur not very close its a log grudge but if ur like brook an me bfffs since 4ever u nvr get in fights wit each other but if u somehow do u just sulk for a while then u get back together and go for a movie :) and thats the way we like it
yea dal guys beat the shit out of each other and laugh it off! we get all upset and make a big deal out of it wen we arnt mad anymore!!!
lets put it this way. girls enjoy making everything extremly complicated.
no, girls beat the crap out of each other....unless their preps, those bitches just spread rumors
blair i never saw u beat the shit outta jamie. arent u mad at her? haha u lie :p
the only thing stopping me is the fact that shes my sister , and carson said it'd look really when i attempt to get into heaven
and ur pregnant...that wouldnt result very well.
Yah Jamie wanted her gift from me to be Blairs forgiveness. I don't think I can do that :(
nope. its up to blair. not u buddy Xp..
That's what I was saying Dawn
so no gift for me :( its ok Steven :) and car im not gonna fight blair
soda i have to say again, i am jealous of your cake
Haha ya ur cakes awesome soda
That is the awesomest cake I've ever seen!!!
Soda, remember me it's Angelica Winston! I've missed you so much. Check out my blog and tell the gang!!!
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